0.11 2013-07-09T05:39:27Z

	- Fix error on pass/fail (reported by mosasiru)

0.10 2013-05-31T07:38:39Z

	- Append line number to exiting comment

2012-12-07  SATOH Hiroh <cho45@lowreal.net>

	* 0.09: Fix behaviour on -e

2012-11-08  SATOH Hiroh <cho45@lowreal.net>

	* 0.08: Fix getting real filename (fixed by miyagawa)

2012-10-23  SATOH Hiroh <cho45@lowreal.net>

	* 0.06: Fix strange error when $Test::Builder::Level is invalid (reported by tokuhirom)
	* 0.07: Fix skipping test when $Test::Builder::Level is invalid

2012-08-04  SATOH Hiroh <cho45@lowreal.net>

	* 0.05: Fix bug with using chdir (by xaicron)

2012-06-15  SATOH Hiroh <cho45@lowreal.net>

	* 0.04: Fix Makefile.PL (by mechairoi)

2012-02-29  SATOH Hiroh <cho45@lowreal.net>

	* 0.03: Fix release engineering.

2011-10-22  SATOH Hiroh <cho45@lowreal.net>

	* 0.02: Enable cache