Revision history for Perl extension Google::ProtocolBuffers

0.10    2013-11-20
    - bugfixes:
        - use perl 5.8, constants break on 5.6
    - features:
        - created protoc-perl

0.09    2013-11-07
    - bugfixes:
        - parser (floating point literals, FloatLit in
        - parser fix for fp in
    - features:
        - decoding of packed repeated fields
        - package_name for code generator
        - allow for package line generation in generated module
        - accept multiple include_dir as an arrayref
        - accept 'no_timestamp' argument to parse

0.08    Thu Oct 23 21:45:03 MSD 2008
    - Fixed encoding/decoding of float types on big-endian machines
    - Fixed default strings values with characters > 127
    - Added dependencies on Perl v5.6.0 (for 'our'), 
        'constant' v1.06 (for multiple constants declaration) and
        'Test::More' v0.52 (for correct require_ok() in tests) 

0.06    Wed Oct 22 00:12:58     2008
    - Typos in documentation were fixed, public CPAN release

0.05_01 Tue Oct 21 01:06:17 2008
    - first (alpha) release for CPAN

0.01    Wed Oct  8 22:15:12 2008
    - original version; created by h2xs 1.23 with options
        -X Google::ProtoBuf