Revision history for Perl extension Snort::Rule.
1.03 Wed May 24 15:00:00
- Fixed the opts() method wrt new() && init(). Should work now :)
1.02 Wed May 17 14:06:00
- fixed new() so you can pass the -opts parm with a HASHREF
1.01 Wed May 17 15:17:00
- ALTERED THE API!! parms are now prefixed by '-' (ie: '-parm => ').
- Fixed new() so default values are filled in
- opts() now accepts args as a HASHREF
- Cleaned up docs a little
1.00 Fri Apr 14 12:05:00 2006
- Module Cleaned up
- Documentation cleaned for initial release
0.01 Sun Jan 1 16:28:05 2006
- original version; created by h2xs 1.23 with options
-AXc -n Snort::Rule