Revision history for Perl extension XML::IODEF

0.08   2010-06-05
    - fixed missing Makefile.PL deps
    - fixed minor (make test) bugs due to changes in RFC 5070 format

0.07   2010-06-03
    - added RFC 5070 (2007) compatability

0.07_3 2010-04-06
    - minor fix to xmlns decloration, version bump to _3
    - merging with sep branch; removing to_hashref, should use LibXML for this sort of thing
    - minor fix to the ->in() fcnt to remove un-needed DOCTYPE, etc

0.07_2 2010-01-05
	- Development Release
	- added function: to_hashref() which provides a suppliment function of to_hash (XML::Simple-like).
	- cleaned up some code formatting and some doc errors

0.07_1 2010-01-01
	- Development Release
	- Updated to RFC 5070 compliance (2007 Release)
	- Extracted BSD License to LICENSE file
	- restructured classes to follow RFC document (lots of add's / removes adopted from newer RFC)
	- deprecated create_ident function -- should be using local workflow system id
	- ref: 

0.06 2004/02/09	
	- Removed extra RegistryHandle and Impact
	- Made currency free text
	- Added origin to Classification

0.05 2004/02/05
	- Fixed AdditionalData by adding restriction attribute

0.04 2003/12/15
	- Changed Reporttime to use 
 		     |    |  | ||  |  |      |
    		     |    |  | T|  |  sec    |
                     year |  day|  min       dif to GMT in hours and minutes
         		month hour(0..23)

0.03 2003/08
	- Fixed Reporttime

0.02 2003/07/31
	- Changes to make more DTD correct, adds version="1.0" by default

0.01 2003/07/24
	- First release, modified from XML::IDMEF