Revision history for Perl extension Net::Abuse::Utils::Spamhaus.

0.08 2016-06-07
    - bugfix for new return codes in ZEN list

0.07 2014-11-03
    - release

0.06_02 2014-10-27
    - updated return codes

0.06_01 2014-08-16
    - adding more debugging information

0.06    2014-07-26
    - bugfix [#1] api updates

0.05    2014-04-07
    - bugfix to DBL api
    - debfix, Net::DNS 0.74

0.04    2013-01-03
    - version bump

0.03_01 2013-01-02
    - extra checking for unknown return codes
    - updated to work with newer versions of Net::DNS

0.03    2012-08-17
    - bugfix

0.02    2012-08-03
    - spelling error in README

0.01    2012-08-02
    - version bump

0.00_02 2012-07-31
    - added timeout arg

0.00_01  Tue Mar 27 14:05:27 2012
	- original version; created by h2xs 1.23 with options
		-ABXb 5.8.8 Net::Abuse::Utils::Spamhaus