Written by:
   Sullivan Beck (sbeck@cpan.org)
Any suggestions, bug reports, or donations :-) should be sent to me.

1.00  2014-01-30
  - Initial release.

1.01  2014-09-08
  - Add examples to docs
  - Fixed a DNS test (RT 98598)
  - Added Data::Checker::IP
  - Modified Data::Checker::DNS to support IPs
  - Modified check_value method to support non-negatable tests

1.02  2014-09-09
  - The DNS test had 2 problems.  The 1.01 release only fixed one
    of them.  This adds a workaround for some broken versions of
    Net::DNS.  (RT 98598)

1.03  2014-09-11
  - Minor changes to some tests
  - Put distro on GitHub.  Gabor Szabo