# Copyright (c) 1995-2009 Sullivan Beck. All rights reserved.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the same terms as Perl itself.


=head1 NAME

Date::Manip::Lang - date manipulation routines (language initialization)


This module is a series of routines, one per language, used to initialize
the support for different languages in Date::Manip


Adding a language is easily done.  If you want to add a language, refer to
the list of words and phrases given below.  Translate them into the desired
language and email them to me.

Note that Date::Manip does support international character sets, so if
there are non-ASCII characters in the words, it's not a problem.  Be sure
to include an ASCII representation as well that can be used in cases where
non-ASCII characters might cause problems.  In many cases, alternate
spellings are allowed, and there may be multiple words or phrases which
fit, so please include all of them (with ASCII representations for any
that include non-ASCII characters).

Please translate ALL of the following.  In some cases, a phrase is given
in parentheses.  It is not necessary to translate the phrase.  They're
there to show the word in the correct context.

  month names (January February ...)
  abbreviations (Jan Feb ...)

  day name (Monday Tuesday ... Sunday)
  abbreviation (Mon Tue ... Sun)
  short abbrev. (M T ... S)

  number suffix (1st 2nd ... 31st)
  spelled out (first second ... thirty-first


  last (last day of the month)

  each (each Tuesday of the month)

  of (first day of the week)

  at (at 3:00)

  on (on Tuesday)

  next (next Tuesday)

  last (last Tuesday)

  exactly (in exactly 3 hours)

  approximately (in approximately 3 hours)

  business (in 4 business days)

  Some times of the day are named. At the very least, there is
  probably noon and midnight. Provide all named times, and the
  time of day.
     noon      12:00:00
     midnight  00:00:00

  The delta field names can be written or abbreviated in many differet
  ways. Provide all names and abbreviations for the seven fields. For

  What words/phrases can be used to say that a time is in the future? E.g.
     IN 3 hours
     3 hours LATER
     3 hours IN THE FUTURE
  In the past?
     3 hours AGO
     3 hours PAST

  Does the language have an equivalent of the English AM/PM? If so,
  what are all possible values of each?

  Other than a comma or period, are there any common integer/decimal
  separators? For example: 1.25 can be expressed as 1.25 or 1,25
  commonly. Are there any other ways?

  When expressing time the hours/minutes and minutes/seconds are
  typically separated by colons. Are there any other separators?
  If so, what combinations of the separators are used in real life?
  For example: 05h30:00.

=head1 AUTHOR

Sullivan Beck (sbeck@cpan.org)

You can always get the newest beta version of Date::Manip (which may fix
problems in the current CPAN version... and may add others) from my home



# $hashref = _Date_Init_LANGUAGE;
#   This returns a hash containing all of the initialization for a
#   specific language.  The hash elements are:
#   @ month_name      full month names          January February ...
#   @ month_abb       month abbreviations       Jan Feb ...
#   @ day_name        day names                 Monday Tuesday ...
#   @ day_abb         day abbreviations         Mon Tue ...
#   @ day_char        day character abbrevs     M T ...
#   @ am              AM notations
#   @ pm              PM notations
#   @ num_suff        number with suffix        1st 2nd ...
#   @ num_word        numbers spelled out       first second ...
#   $ now             words which mean now      now ...
#   $ today           words which mean today    today ...
#   $ last            words which mean last     last final ...
#   $ each            words which mean each     each every ...
#   $ of              of (as in a member of)    in of ...
#                     ex.  4th day OF June
#   $ at              at 4:00                   at
#   $ on              on Sunday                 on
#   $ future          in the future             in
#   $ past            in the past               ago
#   $ next            next item                 next
#   $ prev            previous item             last previous
#   $ later           2 hours later
#   % offset          a hash of special dates   { tomorrow->0:0:0:1:0:0:0 }
#   % times           a hash of times           { noon->12:00:00 ... }
#   $ years           words for year            y yr year ...
#   $ months          words for month
#   $ weeks           words for week
#   $ days            words for day
#   $ hours           words for hour
#   $ minutes         words for minute
#   $ seconds         words for second
#   $ exact           exact mode                exactly
#   $ approx          approximate mode          approximately
#   $ business        business mode             business
#   r sephm           hour/minute separator     (?::)
#   r sepms           minute/second separator   (?::)
#   r sepss           second/fraction separator (?:[.:])
#   Elements marked with an asterix (@) are returned as a set of lists.
#   Each list contains the strings for each element.  The first set is used
#   when the 7-bit ASCII (US) character set is wanted.  The 2nd set is used
#   when an international character set is available.  Both of the 1st two
#   sets should be complete (but the 2nd list can be left empty to force the
#   first set to be used always).  The 3rd set and later can be partial sets
#   if desired.
#   Elements marked with a dollar ($) are returned as a simple list of words.
#   Elements marked with a percent (%) are returned as a hash list.
#   Elements marked with (r) are regular expression elements which must not
#   create a back reference.
# ***NOTE*** Every hash element (unless otherwise noted) MUST be defined in
# every language.

# Explain the the first word should be ASCII, the second word the preferred
# international character set version