Written by:
Sullivan Beck (sbeck@cpan.org)
Any suggestions, bug reports, or donations :-) should be sent to me.
1.00 2013-09-13
- Initial release.
1.10 2013-10-30
- Better handling of 'flow' lines.
- Rewrite of script generating lines to be much cleaner.
- Several new options:
global options: failure, simple
per-command options: noredir, retry, sleep
1.11 2013-10-31
- Replaced 'declare' with a more standard way of doing arithmetic
since declare broke on several systems.
- Changed HISTORY file to new Changes specification. Suggested by
RT 89910.
1.12 2013-12-06
- New options:
ssh_sleep, check
2.00 2014-03-06
- Significant rewrite including several backwards incompatible
changed script generating routines to be cleaner
generated script is now simpler to read
- Bug where exit code wasn't getting set correctly by script
- Change several options including:
changed 'run' option to 'mode'
changed 'f-output' values to not start with 'f-':
changed 'simple' to 'script' and adjusted meaning
changed 'echo' option (no longer applies to 'script' mode)
changed 'failure' option slightly (no longer refers to 'simple' option)
- Output of running in script mode changed (in a backward incompatible way)
- The dire/env methods can now query current values
- Added mode method
2.01 2014-04-03
- Updated example files for 2.xx (forgot to do then when 2.00 was released)
- Fixed a bug where the dire option was getting lowercased
- Some simple fixes to avoid a warning and unwanted blank lines
2.02 2014-05-22
- Fixed a bug where script output was not getting handled correctly
2.03 2015-12-08
- Put distro on GitHub. Gabor Szabo
- Improvements to POD formatting.
- Added tmp_script, tmp_script_keep, ssh_script, and ssh_script_keep options.