Revision history for Perl suite MIDI-Perl
                                        Time-stamp: "1999-05-13 11:26:43 MDT"

1998-08-13  Sean M. Burke

	* Release 0.51:  First CPAN release.  Get it while it's hot!

1998-08-14  Sean M. Burke

	* Release 0.52:  makefile fix.  chimes example in
1998-08-16  Sean M. Burke

	* Release 0.60: 
	Subtly destructive bug in MIDI::_dump_quote fixed.
	MIDI::Event::copy_structure didn't work; fixed.
	%MIDI::note2number and %MIDI::note2number were named backwards --
	note2number actually mapped numbers to notes, and number2note
	mapped notes to numbers.  It made no sense, so I reversed it.

	Ditto patch2number and number2patch!  What was I thinking?

	Typos in %MIDI::note2number fixed.  All the A#'s were "A#" instead
	of "A#3" or whatever.  I also changed the "#" for sharp to "s",
	giving, e.g., "As3" instead of "A#3".  This gives a representation
	compatable with MIDI::Simple's notation.  But note that
	%MIDI::note2number doesn't contain all of the possible ways
	MIDI::Simple could let you represent a note -- just a
	(semi-quirky) subset of them.
	New module MIDI::Simple.
	Added MIDI::Event:: score subs, to support draw() and
	Added MIDI::Opus::draw and supporting subs.

1998-08-16  Sean M. Burke

	* Release 0.61: Feh.  Forgot to re-comment out the debug code
	in MIDI::Simple

1998-08-16  Sean M. Burke

        * Release 0.62: Hooboy! Third release in a 24-hour period!
	This time to fix a lame big in MIDI::Score.

1998-10-18  Sean M. Burke

	* Release 0.70
	* Some stupid typos in fixed.

	* MIDI::Simple greatly expanded and changed.  Almost
	a total rewrite, in fact -- too many changes to explain.
	Docs are feeble, tho.

	* More modules use strict now.

1998-11-04  Sean M. Burke

	* Release 0.71

	* Docs for MIDI::Simple are more complete now.
	* An obscure bit of note_map's behavior changed.
	But you'd never know, because this is the first version
	that ever documented note_map at all.

	* Added relative octave specs: o_d3, o_u3.

1998-11-09  Sean M. Burke

	* Release 0.72

	* Shigeaki Kobayashi <> pointed out a bug in
	MIDI::Opus's $opus->draw that was making it always ignore its
	options hashref.  Fixed.
	* More carps/croaks instead of warn/dies.

1999-01-10  Sean M. Burke

	* Release 0.73

	* Just some changes to the docs:
	Changed the MIDI homepage URL.
	Added the Langston reference.

1999-05-13  Sean M. Burke

	* Release 0.74

	* Just made a few things friendlier to people using perl -w

	* Did ya see my article on MIDI-Perl in /The Perl Journal/ #14?
	See for back issues, or email me -- I might
	have it in some sort of electronic format.