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Last Modified Time-stamp: "2014-07-25 03:24:11 MDT sburke@cpan.org"
Revision history for Perl module Text::Unidecode
2014-07-25 Sean M. Burke sburke@cpan.org
* !Release 1.20_01!
* Many bugfixes. Thanks especially to Tomaž Šolc!
* Yet more *.t files added for improved sanity checking.
* Shuffling around the internals of Unidecode.pm
* Putting in some vacuous 0x__.pm files where
previously there would just be a load failure
2014-06-30 Sean M. Burke sburke@cpan.org
* Release 1.01 -- first official Unidecode release since 2001!!!
* There are no real changes since the 2014-06-23 developer
release. I'm just making this all official now.
2014-06-23 Sean M. Burke sburke@cpan.org
* Release 1.00_03
* Now asserting that we need at least Perl 5.8.0
An automated test system that tried running the t/*.t
under a 5.6.2 spewed all kinds of crazy error messages.
Hence the bump-up.
So, I added assertions for the version.
* I added some tests for more basic sanity assertions.
2014-06-17 Sean M. Burke sburke@cpan.org
v1.00_02 - Not released. Just internal rearranging.
2014-06-13 Sean M. Burke sburke@cpan.org
* Release 1.00(_01!)- so many years later, finally we bump up to 1.*!
* My documentation is now BRILLIANT.
* Minor bugfixes.
* Some code comments for clarity.
* A modern test suite.
* A proper release will follow in a few days.
2001-07-14 Sean M. Burke sburke@cpan.org
* Release 0.04 -- forgot to put TODO.txt in 0.03. Now including
it. That's the only change.
2001-07-14 Sean M. Burke sburke@cpan.org
* Release 0.03 -- first public release.