Revision history for Perl extension Weather::Com.

0.2   Do Feb 03 23:08:00 2005
    - New default high level OO interface:
         - Weather::Com::Finder
         - Weather::Com::Location
         - Weather::Com::CurrentConditions
         - coming soon: Weather::Com::Forecast (up to 10 days)
    - Added a short tutorial and starting point as Weather::Com.pod
    - Changed package structure due to namespace issues. Weather::Com will
      become Weather::Com::Base, the other's will be called:
         - Weather::Com::Cached
         - Weather::Com::Simple
      So we'll get some structure in it. This will be usefull if one wants
      to write some other caching package, we than can tell it 
      Weather::Com::Cached::MySQL for example, etc.
    - added automated version information (using the CVS $Revision: 1.8 $ tag)
      to all packages
    - added consistency checking for paramters passed to Weather::Com
    - Weather::Com now only accepts paths to put the cache in if it is
      writable to the user that runs the programm
    - changed caching so we now hold one cache file for metric and one for
      US system data for each location (only the ones used, if you're only 
      asking for metric data, you'll never get a us cache files and vice versa)
    - Added Proxy Authentication capabilities so you can use these module for
      applications behind an authenticated http proxy, also.
	- enhanced Weather::Com::Simple with some methods to more granular data

0.1   Sa Aug 21 22:00:00 2004
	- original version