Revision history for Perl extension Acme::Text::Rhombus.
0.19_01 2018-10-14 <>
- Make letter enumeration configurable.
- Document forward option.
- Add forward option to example script invocation of rhombus().
- Test reverse letter enumeration of rhombus().
- Skip documentation tests for non-release testing.
- Do no longer recommend Test::Pod and Test::Pod::Coverage.
- Add metadata repository link.
- Purge orphaned whitespace.
0.19 2010-05-02 <>
- Merged development version to stable.
0.18_01 2010-04-29 <>
- Validate options and resort to defaults when needed.
- List options defaults in the documentation.
- Describe rhombus() with more detail.
- Document the function as exportable.
- Reword the abstract.
- Improve the synopsis.
- Update broken license link.
- Remove the testing diagnostic.
- Minor code enhancements.
- Adjust some file permissions.
0.18 Tue Jan 15 16:44:21 CET 2008
- Added basic output test.
- Beautified documentation.
0.16 Sun Oct 23 17:00:22 CEST 2005
- Relocated the package to the Acme:: namespace.
- Made INSTALL a part of the distribution.
0.15 2005/02/23
- Example output has been added to the docs.
0.1 2004/02/01
- Minor additions and indentations changes.
0.03 2004/01/15
- Added example.
0.01 2004/01/15
- Initial version.