Revision history for Perl extension Algorithm::MedianSelect::XS.
0.16 Mon Apr 17 16:46:48 CEST 2006
- Removed superfluous @ISA in
0.15 Mon Apr 17 16:37:52 CEST 2006
- Changed Build.PL argument create_makefile_pl from 'passtrough'
to 'traditional' for the sake of compatibility.
- Removed the dependency upon DynaLoader since XSLoader
suffices (listed as dependency).
0.13 Sun Nov 13 13:14:49 CET 2005
- DynaLoader's bootstrap() is honored on older perls.
0.12 Sun Oct 30 20:18:12 CET 2005
- Converted Algorithm::MedianSelect entirely over to XS.
0.08 2005/02/15
- Added missing export section in documentation.
0.07 2004/02/29
- median() takes an array instead of an arrayref.
0.01 2004/01/22
- Initial version.