Revision history for Perl extension LaTeX::Pod.

0.20 Tue Oct 27 12:32:28 CET 2009

 - Update broken license links.

 - Fix some indentation nits.

 - Merged development version to stable.

0.19_01 Thu Oct 15 13:00:59 CEST 2009

 - Don't suppress global warnings while testing.

0.19 Thu Jul  9 11:18:23 CEST 2009

 - Merged development version to stable.

0.18_02 Sun Jun 21 20:05:25 CEST 2009

 - Validation of arguments is handled by Params::Validate.

 - Emit better error messages when the input file cannot be opened.

 - When receiving arguments within a method, explicitly fetch
   the object first and then all the remaining arguments.

 - Improve the options handling of latex2pod.

 - Don't possibly import from LaTeX::TOM.

0.18_01 Sat Oct 25 12:57:54 CEST 2008

 - Use the "boolean" pragma for true/false values.

0.18 Tue Jun 17 17:06:50 CEST 2008

 - Append a trailing newline to the =cut directive within
   the output generated.

0.17 Thu Feb 21 15:59:48 CET 2008

 - Made the "matching" for the node type more explicit.

0.16 Wed Feb 13 16:47:56 CET 2008

 - Don't assume a '/' within File::Spec->catfile() in basic.t.

 - Reordered code within parse_switches() in latex2pod.

 - Add more dependencies to Build.PL.

0.15 Sun Dec 23 15:39:50 CET 2007

 - Reworded the documentation.

 - Adjusted code layout of latex2pod to be coherent with
   the remaining code.

 - Version output emitted by latex2pod includes $VERSION
   from LaTeX::Pod.

0.14 Sun Nov 25 14:21:54 CET 2007

 - Added test which tests basic conversion.

0.13 Sat Sep  1 17:26:49 CEST 2007

 - Redone code formatting.

0.12 Wed Mar 28 03:42:05 CEST 2007

 - Moved initialization logic entirely to _init() which was
   previously known as _init_self().

0.11 Thu Mar 15 00:28:00 CET 2007

 - Merged development version to stable.

0.10_01 Sun Feb 11 08:16:40 CET 2007

 - Added 'script_files' parameter consisting of latex2pod's path
   within the distribution to Build.PL.

 - Fixed some indentation by converting some tabs to literal spaces.

0.10 Sat Feb 10 01:07:01 CET 2007

 - Instead of appending generated Pod to a string while proceeding,
   every "push" (directive & text) takes up one member in an
   encapsulated array. The array is flattened when a string
   representation is requested (usually when convert() returns)
   and a pair of newlines between each member is added.

0.09_01 Sun Jan 28 01:25:29 CET 2007

 - Added call of _process_spec_chars() to _process_text_verbatim().

 - Some minor, but nonetheless important, code reformatting.

0.09 Fri Jan 12 00:26:37 CET 2007

 - The item's text has now proper intendation (speak none)
   and leading/trailing newlines are attached.

 - Fixed minor spelling nit within

 - Added some implementation details to the documentation.

0.08 Thu Jan 11 01:18:38 CET 2007

 - Introduction of dispatch handler broke the handling of the
   "simulated" else clause; furthermore, skipping the evaluation
   of node types when successfully matched against current node,
   had the same effect.

 - \item directives are now handled bare (\item) as well as with
   surrounding brackets (\item[]).

 - Commented piece of code out that automatically adds the
   author to the document title. Will maybe make it an option
   to latex2pod in a future release.

 - latex2pod, a commandline frontend to LaTeX::Pod, has been
   added to the distribution's scripts directory.

0.07 Wed Jan 10 20:37.02 CET 2007

 - Replaced previous text/command conditional branches in convert()
   with calls to dispatch handler.

 - The ending POD =cut directive will be added to generated output.

0.06 Tue Jan  9 21:02:19 CET 2007

 - Beautified code within, i.e. removed
   parentheses from method calls without arguments.

0.05 Sun Dec 31 03:29:24 CET 2006

 - Added accessors to get/set the internal POD data.

 - Fixed the indentation for LaTeX' verbatim blocks.

0.04 Die Dec 26 01:46:39 CET 2006

 - Forgot to include code for processing code & italic font tags.

0.03 Die Dec 26 00:20:08 CET 2006

 - Fixed umlauts.

 - Improved documentation.

0.02 Mon Dec 25 14:34:14 CET 2006

 - Unknown directives are skipped.

 - LaTeX Umlauts definitions are converted.

 - More than two following newlines will be reduced to two.

0.01 Mon Dec 25 05:59:08 CET 2006

 - Initial version.