Revision history for Perl extension LaTeX::TOM.
0.8_01 Tue Feb 19 15:29:40 CET 2008
- Added basic test-file basic.t.
- Added CREDITS and LICENSE sections to the documentation.
0.8 Mon Oct 8 10:23:01 CEST 2007
- Fixed failing tests pod.t & pod-coverage.t (adjusted plans).
0.7 Tue Aug 28 00:12:03 CEST 2007
- Added formatting tags to the documentation where appropriate
and enlisted all methods within the documentation index.
0.6 Wed Mar 14 01:05:09 CET 2007
- Merged development version to stable.
0.5_05 Sun Feb 18 11:30:51 CET 2007
- Fixing reference types in all ...->{children}->{nodes}->[...]
occurrences in the LaTeX::TOM::Parser::_applyMapping and
LaTeX::TOM::Node::getLastChild subroutines.
[Otakar Smrz,]
0.5_04 Fri Feb 16 10:41:21 CET 2007
- Fixed approximately half a dozen broken hash keys in references
with {node} instead of {nodes} as subkey.
0.5_03 Fri Feb 16 02:00:52 CET 2007
- Fixed wrong spelling of $self->{node} to $self->{nodes} within
0.5_02 Mon Feb 12 03:37:11 CET 2007
- Added suitable (albeit slightly modified) pod.t & pod-coverage.t
to the test directory.
- Documented LaTeX::TOM's constructor new().
0.5_01 Mon Feb 5 08:47:05 CET 2007
- Resolved accidentally swapped $prev/$next pointers in assignment
in LaTeX::TOM::Node's listify(), resulting in misbehaviour of
getNextGroupNode(), getPreviousSibling() and the like.
- Added fully qualified package declaration to LaTeX::TOM::Parser,
LaTeX::TOM::Node & LaTeX::TOM::Tree. Removed class specification
from sub declarations likewise.
- LaTeX::TOM's constructor, new() reblesses a LaTeX::TOM::Parser
object with the references to the global variables defined within
LaTeX::TOM. @_ is passed unaltered to LaTeX::TOM::Parser's new().
- LaTeX::TOM establishes an ISA relationship with LaTeX::TOM::Parser
and LaTeX::TOM::Parser with LaTeX::TOM::Node/LaTeX::TOM::Tree.
- LaTeX::TOM::Tree's constructor, new() now returns a blessed hash
reference instead of previously a blessed array reference, because
we're basically reblessing the $parser object.
- Extracted the TODO part from LaTeX::TOM and put it in a separate
file named TODO in the root of the distribution.
0.5 Son Dec 31 01:47:36 CET 2006
- Percents (%) and braces ({}) within verbatim blocks
are now taken care of while parsing.
- Replaced all occurences of tabs within the code with
literal whitespace.
0.3 Sun Dec 24 11:37:21 CET 2006
- Initial CPAN version.
02c ???
- Bug fixes: Handling of newlines and whitespace between commands
and parameters and groups, handling of \w+\d+ commands (thanks
Leo Tenenblat for both of these), documentation bugfix: "parseFile",
not "parsefile".
02b ???
- License included (BSD), some minor code indenting cleanups.
02 ???
- This is the first release version.
01 ???
- Non-OOP version of the current functionality. Not released.