Revision history for Perl extension Math::Prime::XS.

0.20_02  2010-10-07  <>

 - Allocate memory dynamically for xs_*_primes() instead of using
   fixed-width arrays. [rt #58322 - Kevin Ryde]

 - Utilize the composite array in xs_sieve_primes() as bit field.

 - Don't use a hash in xs_trial_primes() to save primes.
   [rt #58074 - Kevin Ryde]

 - Optimize the implementation of some algorithms.

 - Store numbers with automatically growing their memory.

 - Separate the base number initialization and check from the XSUBs.

 - is_prime() wraps around a xs_*_primes XSUB.

 - Remove xs_is_prime() as it's no longer used.

 - Validation of arguments is handled by Params::Validate.

 - Use the boolean pragma for true/false values.

 - Document both invocations of each prime calculating function.

 - Refine the documentation of these functions and is_prime().

 - Renew the benchmark results and rephrase its description.

 - Mention bugs and caveats.

 - Adapt the synopsis to use greater numbers.

 - Reword the abstract.

 - Update broken license link.

 - Be more verbose while testing by printing the numbers.

 - Remove the testing diagnostic.

 - Rename calc_primes.t to functions.t.

 - Adjust test file permissions.

0.20_01 Thu May 15 17:13:07 CEST 2008

 - Use memset() within xs_sieve_primes() to "clear" the
   composite array.

0.20 Wed May 14 15:46:42 CEST 2008

 - Improved the speed of xs_sieve_primes() by using a fixed-width
   array for the composites, instead of a hash.
   [suggested by Moritz Lenz <>]

 - Reformatted the source code layout of XS.xs.

0.19 Sat Feb 23 16:20:29 CET 2008

 - Use XSRETURN_IV() instead of manually extending the stack
   and pushing the mortal boolean number.

0.18 Fri Feb 15 15:23:36 CET 2008

 - is_prime() now returns 0 if the number isn't a prime number.

 - Added tests for calculating primes within a range.

 - Updated ppport.h.

0.17 Tue Apr  4 20:53:19 CEST 2006

 - Changed Build.PL argument create_makefile_pl from 'passtrough'
   to 'traditional' for the sake of compatibility.

0.15 Thu Nov  3 20:45:22 CET 2005

 - Omitted the pod-coverage testing part for XSUBs.

0.14 Sat Oct 29 20:30:42 CEST 2005

 - Added INSTALL instructions to the package.

 - The xs_files argument in Build.PL specifies where *.xs
   files reside.

0.13 Wed Oct 26 19:44:23 CEST 2005

 - Converted Math::Prime::Simple over to XS.

 - Reimplemented the Sieve of Eratosthenes in C.

 - Added modulo operator division, trial division and a
   "hybrid" summing calculation method.

 - Updated the docs with relevant function documentation
   and related benchmarks.

0.03 2004/01/14

 - Implemented the Sieve of Eratosthenes.

0.01 2004/01/14

 - Initial version.