Revision history for Perl extension Module::Build::Convert.

0.25 Tue Feb 14 17:33:46 CET 2006

 - The create_makefile_pl default argument has been changed from
   creating a passthrough Makefile.PL to write a traditional style
   Makefile.PL instead.
 - $self->{Config}{reloaded} renamed to $self->{Config}{reinit}.

0.24 Sun Jan 29 21:49:32 CET 2006

 - If parsing the Makefile.PL doesn't succeed entirely and
   the 'process' starts looping endlessly, the "execute the 
   Makefile.PL" mode - available via commandline switch or 
   parameter to new() - will be activated by setting the according 
   $self->{Config}{} flag and jumping back to convert() will run
   the complete converting procedure again.
 - _compose_header() adds the use (strict|warnings);
   pragmas, which are defined hardcoded for now, to the top of
   the Build.PL written after having ensured that no previous 
   occurences of these pragmas could be found in the Makefile.PL.

0.22 Tue Nov 15 12:29:09 CET 2005

 - The default arguments 'build_requires', 'recommends' and 
   'conflicts' are excluded from being written to Build.PL 
   by default.

0.21_01 Thu Nov 3 21:54:29 CET 2005

 - _compose_header() has been made more consistent in adding 
   newlines in an adequate manner to the header composed.

0.21 Tue Nov 1 21:42:10 CET 2005

 - Moved the package Make::Build::Convert to the namespace 
   Module::Build to disambiguate its uses.

0.20_07 Sun Oct 30 18:10:09 CET 2005

 - To avoid that global scalars are "polluted" by running 
   "do 'Makefile.PL'", they're copied by _save_globals() and 
   restored through _restore_globals().

0.20_05 Thu Oct 27 20:36:47 CEST 2005

 - Polished some of the parsing code up to the extent that
   it is able to recognize and process standalone comments properly.
 - A trailing comment of a MakeMaker argument entry is appended
   to the Module::Build equivalent for all type variants.
 - Some unnecessary newlines are removed while composing
   the header of a Build.PL. 

0.20_04 Sun Oct 23 14:51:30 CEST 2005

 - _compose_header() rearranges the placement of the shebang,
   line, comments, use/require statements should they appear
   within the Makefile.PL in order to fit in nicely with the 
   default Build.PL code. The use/require ExtUtils::MakeMaker
   statement will be removed as it becomes unneeded.

0.20_03 2005/10/21

 - Statically parsing the Makefile.PL as the method to
   "receive" MakeMaker arguments, supersedes the previous 
   known "do 'Makefile.PL'" evaluation.
 - _parse_args() has been added that acts as de-facto 
   replacement of _run_makefile() . Scalar, array and hash
   arguments will be extracted by parsing the Makefile
   string; code chunks are processed in a separate branch.
 - A warning is emitted if WriteMakefile() takes indirect
   arguments via a hash.

0.20_02 2005/10/18

 - The necessary subs to write and parse the contents of a 
   RC-file have been added.
 - Further MakeMaker arguments to be converted includes
   the Module::Build equivalents: PL_files, pm_files, 
   pod_files, xs_files, include_dirs, meta_add.
 - Usage and version output in make2build is being embedded 
   to subs.
 - The unintentional space preceeding filenames in MANIFEST
   issue has been resolved.

0.20 2005/10/15

 - Conversion from script to object-oriented module.

0.19 2005/10/13

 - The obligatory usage screen and according switches have 
   been introduced.
 - The verbosity output has been extended to mention the 
   overriding of arguments and arguments that are classified 
   as unknown to the user while conversion is in charge.
 - sort_args() is able to distinguish whether the native
   sorting order should be preserved or the default one
   used instead.
 - do_verbose() outputs based on verbosity levels.

0.18_02 2005/10/12

 - Test failures have been fixed.
 - The code chunk that cleaned args of unneeded whitespace
   has been replaced with a ?{} construct.
 - Commas are added to enclosing brackets.

0.18 2005/09/28

 - The conversion & interpretation of arguments which 
   specify temporary files for removement has been implemented. 
   [Nathan Gray,]
 - Array argument conversion has been integrated with included
   string to elements conversion, when necessary. 

0.17 2005/03/07

 - Added recommends, build_requires, conflicts, pm_files,
   extra_compiler_flags, sign, dist_abstract, dist_author
   to conversion table.

0.16 2005/03/06

 - A notice is placed in the created Build.PL, indicating
   that it was created by make2build.

0.12 2004/02/23

 - ExtUtils::MakeMaker arguments DISTNAME, VERSION, VERSION_FROM, 
   are converted and output sorted.
 - Default value of the license argument has been replaced 
   with 'unknown'.

0.11 2004/02/22

 - Documentation has been largely extended.

0.07 2004/02/19

 - Redundant, unneeded code removed.

0.01 2004/02/09

 - Initial version.