Revision history for Perl extension Safe::Caller.

0.06 Fri May 18 15:40:07 CEST 2007

 - Removed some unnecessary code.

 - Replaced some occurences of is() with ok().

0.05 Wed May 16 08:27:48 CEST 2007

 - Changed all documentative occurences of '$safe' to '$caller'
   (this should clarify its use a bit further).

 - Redid the entire implementation by using closures internally.

 - Deprecated called_from_pkg(), called_from_file() and
   called_from_sub(). Aliased them (typeglobs) to their more
   descriptive successors.

 - Fixed a bug in called_from_subroutine() which consisted of
   inadequate testing against a fully qualified subname that
   was reported by the according closure call; because of the
   additional indirection by calling caller() from this sub,
   the frame level needed to be incremented once.

0.04 Mon May 14 18:19:12 CEST 2007

 - There was a subtle bug which led the accessor closures
   to revert to the default frame whenever 0 frame was being 
   supplied; fixed by adding some statements that checked whether
   the frame being passed is rather defined than true.

 - Added parameter checking for all verification routines, i.e.
   called_from_pkg(), called_from_file(), called_from_line()
   and called_from_sub().

 - Extended documentation to reflect the accessors (with a link
   to caller()'s documentation), which were previously undocumented.

0.03 Tue Jun 20 10:59:59 CEST 2006

 - Moved redundant occurences of new() and foo() out of two packages
   into one Base package.

0.02 Sat Jun 17 20:46:09 CEST 2006

 - Fixed both $self->{line}->() and called_from_line() in called_from.t
   from previous erroneous values.

0.01 Tue May  9 21:31:10 CEST 2006

 - called_from.t - which checks whether the closures and
   called_from_(pkg|file|line|sub) subs work as expected -
   has been included in the test-suite.

 - Added suitable documentation.

 - Initial version.