Revision history for Perl extension Text::Wrap::Smart::XS.

0.06  2011-09-12  <>

 - Merged development version to stable.

0.05_01  2011-09-04  <>

 - Refactor exact_wrap() and fuzzy_wrap().

 - When wrapping text, preprocess it first by substituting
   newlines with spaces.

 - Validation of arguments is handled by Params::Validate.

 - Use the boolean pragma for true/false values.

 - Test with "Lorem Ipsum" as input text.

 - Test handling of texts with LF, CR and CRLF as line endings.

 - Skip documentation tests for non-release testing.

 - Do no longer recommend Test::Pod and Test::Pod::Coverage.

 - Remove the testing diagnostic.

 - Mention that the wrapping length is used to calculate the
   average one.

 - Reword the abstract.

 - Update broken license link.

0.05 Thu May 22 10:13:30 CEST 2008

 - Use less intendation in XS.xs.

 - Merged development version to stable.

0.04_01 Tue May 20 15:10:28 CEST 2008

 - Avoid a memory leak when no more text is being processed.

 - Reformatted the source code layout of XS.xs.

0.04 Sun Feb 17 20:36:03 CET 2008

 - Fixed the cpantester failures introduced by the greedy
   wrapping mechanism.

0.03 Fri Feb 15 23:38:20 CET 2008

 - Allow for "greedy" wrapping (implemented in XS.xs).

 - Add ExtUtils::CBuilder to the dependency list in Build.PL.

0.02 Wed Feb  6 18:23:29 CET 2008

 - Fixed installation for Module::Build users.

 - Reformatted XS.xs.

0.01 Wed Feb  6 15:25:44 CET 2008

 - Initial version.