Revision history for Perl script make2build.

0.18 2005/09/28
 - The conversion & interpretation of arguments which 
   specify temporary files for removement has been implemented 
   by Nathan Gray <>.
 - Array argument conversion has been integrated with included
   string to elements conversion, when necessary. 

0.17 2005/03/07
 - Added recommends, build_requires, conflicts, pm_files,
   extra_compiler_flags, sign, dist_abstract, dist_author
   to conversion table.

0.16 2005/03/06
 - A notice is placed in the created Build.PL, indicating
   that it was created by make2build.

0.12 2004/02/23
 - ExtUtils::MakeMaker arguments DISTNAME, VERSION, VERSION_FROM, 
   are converted and output sorted.
 - Default value of the license argument has been replaced 
   with 'unknown'.

0.11 2004/02/22
 - Documentation has been largely extended.

0.07 2004/02/19
 - Redundant, unneeded code removed.

0.01 2004/02/09
 - Initial version.