Revision history for Perl extension GDS2.

Makefile.PL created by h2xs 1.20 with options
        -X -n GDS2
1.0   Originally developed on big endian machines, I still have some
      work to do on the write methods for little endian machines.

1.1   Should be set for little endian machines. Starting to look
      for speed improvements.

1.1.1 Started adding tests. Needed to make a change to little-endian
      record read.

1.2.0 Added a bunch of constants. Starting to look at speed-ups. Write
      year out as years since 1900 since Cadence pipo has problems with
      ISO type date (2001 v.s. 101)

1.2.1 Put option -isoDate in to print years as 2001 instead of 101
      since the GDS2 spec doesn't seem to care and supports an integer
      up to 65535. Added experimental option -markEnd to close() for 
      David Kao to try. Fixed -width option to printPath() and added 
      -unitWidth option for backwards compatibility.

1.2.2 Added:
        returnSname() -  return string if record type is SNAME else ''
        returnXyAsArray() - returns current (read) XY record as an array
        returnRecordAsPerl() - returns current (read) record as a perl command 
            to facilitate the creation of parameterized gds2 data with perl.
        ReturnRecordAsPerl was contributed by Peter Baumbach. Thanks Peter!
1.2.3 Turned on use warnings line which requires 5.6 perl

1.2.4 Added modgds2 to Examples/ and fixed a BIT_ARRAY problem for 
      little-endian machines. (DO NOT USE)

1.2.5 a better BIT_ARRAY solution for little-endian machines.

1.2.6 Cygwin Perl was printing out "1.e-9" others "1e-9" for UNITS updated 
      to strip unneeded "."

1.2.7 Added tellSize() which allowed me to create a progress bar for the
      cute Examples/gds2dumptk program. Added a -pad => # option to close 
      method which pads end of file with nulls (some systems like this).
      Use file handle close method instead of standard Perl close at the
      suggestion of John Reynolds.

1.2.8 Added returnDatatype and returnTexttype used in Examples/gdslayers

1.2.9 Fix to printBoundary() when array of reals is used

1.3.0 Fix to printText() ... typo fix "-x" to "-y" 

1.3.1 Minor mod. Added returnBgnextn() returnEndextn() some defines.
      Fixed posAngle() so it doesn't round angles (Thanks Martin for 
      pointing out the problem).

1.32  Start to use Build instead of make.
      Took Inline::C version and stripped out C code. Some minor changes
      which gave a welcome speed increase.

2.01  Added install option of Inline::C for reading. 
      Standardized all UNITS string printing of 1e-9, 1e-09, 1e-009 etc... to 1e-9