2011-08-13 Steffen Schwigon <ss5@renormalist.net>
* 0.23
* Codespeed support
- it can generate additional data blocks in TAP that
already fit the structure needed by Codespeed
2010-08-04 Steffen Schwigon <ss5@renormalist.net>
* 0.22
* Big Rescale
- The --fastmode is now slower but actually returning useful
values for experimenting speed improvements or configurations.
This probably makes it the preferred mode for everyday users.
- The normal mode (targeted to compare real strong machines)
now takes less time on some crazy workloads that went mental
even for big machines.
* some more tests
2010-07-30 Steffen Schwigon <ss5@renormalist.net>
* 0.21
* Maintenance release
- fixed missing PLUGIN_VERSION in output
- fix missing plugin titles
- document --plugins=ALL
- drop dependency to Test::Aggregate::Nested (orphaned experiment)
* introduced an "Incubator" plugin as an experimental,
non-official playing field
2010-07-27 Steffen Schwigon <ss5@renormalist.net>
* 0.20
* default set of plugins now "mostly harmless", ie., which
should work with same dependencies as Perl::Formance itself:
- Fib FibOO, Mem, Prime, Rx, fasta, regexdna, binarytrees,
revcomp, nbody, spectralnorm
- additionaly a new --plugins=ALL option which runs all known
* all plugins now have their own version numbers
* RxCmp plugin: new re::engine::RE2
* Mem plugin: now implemented something
* Threads plugin:
- less inner thread overhead
- divides Threads + ThreadsShared
* PerlCritic plugin: runs Perl::Critic on itself, using a bundled
snapshot or the installed CPAN version, both on the snapshot
* Bugfixes and maintenance
- forgotten tmpdir cleanups
- code cleanup for Perl::Critic
- try hiding bundled code from PAUSE indexer
- Perl 5.8'ify by using "our"
- dropped useless exports
* new option --version
- in combination with -v prints all plugin versions
* Stabilize OS run environment (mostly Linux)
- disk sync
- flush caches
- disable Core Performance Boost
- disable Adress Space Layout Randomization
- These features will need "root" to have an effect
* Now every plugin is forked before running.
* No more all plugin loading at once; as that used to influence
the runtime of plugins depending on what else was loaded.
2010-07-13 Steffen Schwigon <ss5@renormalist.net>
* 0.12
* Adapt to changed DPath API v0.40
2010-07-10 Steffen Schwigon <ss5@renormalist.net>
* 0.11
* Imroved --outstyle=summary output
2010-07-09 Steffen Schwigon <ss5@renormalist.net>
* 0.10
* introduce output style option
which now defaults to "summary" to ease interactive use.
2010-07-07 Steffen Schwigon <ss5@renormalist.net>
* 0.09
* new benchmark to stress MooseX::Declare method calls
* provide Devel::Platform::Info with cmdline option -p
* allow generic defines vie -Dkey=value
- usually to configure plugins
* refactored use of env variables, now all set via cmdline
* now requires Perl 5.8
2010-05-11 Steffen Schwigon <ss5@renormalist.net>
* 0.08
* new benchmark around running Perl6 STD.pm / gimme5 / viv
* new benchmark using DPath to stress lookup, traversing and
copying data structures
* scaled down too aggressive Shootdown benchmarks:
- knucleotide
- binarytrees
- nbody
2010-04-16 Steffen Schwigon <ss5@renormalist.net>
* 0.07
* Bummer! ::Cargo is required.
2010-04-14 Steffen Schwigon <ss5@renormalist.net>
* 0.06
* Bummer! "More robustness" in 0.05 must have sounded like an
euphemism for "now crashing reliably". Fix tests by using the
Data::YAML::Reader which is the sister of the YAML generating
module Data::YAML::Writer. Other YAML modules occasionally break.
2010-04-12 Steffen Schwigon <ss5@renormalist.net>
* 0.05
* search executables like sa-learn or prove only besides $^X
* more yaml robustness tries as they all crash in a different
way on strange platforms; do some some eval-style try/catch
en passant...
2010-04-12 Steffen Schwigon <ss5@renormalist.net>
* 0.04
* sub-plugins (like Shootout/*.pm) now get same place in result
hash regardless of beeing started as part of bundle, i.e via
--plugins=Shootout or directly via --plugins=Shootout::foo. This
makes evaluation easier.
* most dependencies now only "recommends" but take care cou
install them anyway, eg. via PERL_AUTOINSTALL=--defaultdeps
* output overall runtime
* distro maintenance: meta info, test cleanup, verbose debug
2010-04-03 Steffen Schwigon <ss5@renormalist.net>
* 0.03
* doc fixes
* add re::engine::Plan9 to benchmark of regex engines
2010-04-01 Steffen Schwigon <ss5@renormalist.net>
* 0.02
* YAML improvements for easier embedding into TAP
- verbose text now looks like TAP # diagnostics
- new commandline --tapdescription="some description" to generate
a leading "ok some description" line before the YAML
* took out some benchmarks from default plugin list that
occasionally segfaulted
2008-08-12 Steffen Schwigon <ss5@renormalist.net>
* 0.01
* Initial version