Revision history for Perl extension String::Diff
0.09 2024-11-30
- distro cleanup (replaced author toolchain), same changelog as in v0.08, i.e.:
- fixed two tests that had been broken with YAML >= 1.21 (GH#7) (Kenichi Ishigaki)
- Add Test::Base to cpanfile (GH#5) (Jose Luis Martinez)
- Add develop dependencies to cpanfile (Jose Luis Martinez)
- Fix failing POD test (Petr Šabata)
- Kudos to Jose Luis Martinez for collecting all the issues
from different sources into one concise branch ready for a
new CPAN release
0.08 2024-11-25 15:16:09 CET
- fixed two tests that had been broken with YAML >= 1.21 (GH#7) (Kenichi Ishigaki)
- Add Test::Base to cpanfile (GH#5) (Jose Luis Martinez)
- Add develop dependencies to cpanfile (Jose Luis Martinez)
- Fix failing POD test (Petr Šabata)
- Kudos to Jose Luis Martinez for collecting all the issues
from different sources into one concise branch ready for a
new CPAN release
0.07 2015-08-23 17:58:40 JST
- Correctly escape hunks in the end of the merged string pull-req #2 (mar-kolya ++)
- Add copyright in a pod RT #48063 (frequency++)
- Fixed to documentation bug RT #96057 (valmid++)
0.06 2012-06-28T10:51:01+09:00
- add escape option for diff/diff_merge RT #55265 (TINITA++)
- fixed bug, quotemeta being quoted is the IDEOGRAPHIC COMMA (U+3001)(、) RT #76371 (ANDK++)
0.05 2012-06-22T15:55:30+09:00
- modern Makefile.PL
- fixed Bugs RT #71678
0.04 2008-10-23T18:04:35+09:00
- Algorithm::Diff::XS support
0.03 2007-06-10T14:39:00+09:00
- fixed to invalid handling of zeros bug. rt.cpan #26493
- fixed to description of POD is wrong. rt.cpan ticket #26476
- appended to inc directory. rt.cpan ticket #27049, #25981
0.02 2006-11-20T17:40:45+09:00
- default marks is editable. (idea from dankogai)
0.01 Thu Nov 16 23:55:03 2006
- original version