Revision history for Win32-Tracert

0.004     2014-03-31 21:24:35+02:00 Europe/Paris
    * clean tests files
        - Skip tests associated with [destination] attribute if system is not MSWin32.
          We should be able to use that module event if we are not on MSWin32.
          It is possible when creating object with circuit attribute.

0.003     2014-03-29 16:33:15+01:00 Europe/Paris
    * clean unuseful code (Improve my knowledge on Dist:Zilla)
        - Remove use Data::Printer in 04_weird_use.t
        - Remove use Data::Dumper in

0.002     2014-03-29 00:30:54+01:00 Europe/Paris

0.001     2014-03-28 00:01:34+01:00 Europe/Paris