Revision history for Perl extension Linux::DVB::DVBT.
1.02 Mon Sept 21 09:30:00 2009
- Handle the case where a channel scans to have no name (use it's PR number instead)
1.01 Sat Jul 04 12:30:00 2009
- Bug fix: corrected dvbt-devices script
1.00 Thu Jul 03 12:30:00 2009
- Added default channel names for EPG
- Fixed bug in epg() creating channel list
- Added web check for later version
0.03 Fri Jan 23 12:30:00 2009
- bug fix in channel name "fuzzy" find
- improved/corrected documentation
- updated makefile to install scripts
- changed dvbt-scan to generate output during scan
0.02 Wed Dec 10 12:46:56 2008
- Small modifications to build files to allow compile on x64 and FreeBSD
0.01 Wed Oct 15 19:46:56 2008
- original version; created by h2xs 1.23 with options
-O -n Linux::DVB::DVBT -A Linux-DVB-DVBT/dvb_lib/dvb_lib.h