Revision history for Perl extension dwarf
1.41 2016-10-25T05:55:10Z
- impl autoflush-validation-error param
- impl Dwarf::Util::safe_decode_json
- add BIGINT and BIGUINT to Dwarf::Validator
- integrate Data::Validator
- integrate autobox
- fix CORS plugin
- modify JSON plugin
- modify SQLBuilder
- modify Text::CSV_XS
- modify Dwarf::load_plugins method
- fix a bug for Linux
1.31 2016-01-20T06:39:00Z
- fix a bug for Linux
- add yen formatter for Text::Xslate
- fix a bug of Email::Valid with UTF-8 String
- modify Dwarf::load_plugin method
- support PSGI Streaming
1.30 2015-09-17T08:16:49Z
- fix FILE_EXT validation constraint
- add a param to redirect method to specify custom status code
1.29 2015-08-28T08:57:12Z
- fix a problem that dist_dir will die when this module hasn't installed yet. (kuriyama++)
1.28 2015-08-26T13:26:46Z
- add carton support
- use Data::DPath instead of Data::Path as default
- add BASE64_TYPE constraint
- fix JSON constraint bug
- fix META.json
- fix other tiny bugs
1.27 2015-07-30T06:47:39Z
- add share_dir option (bin/dwarf)
- use Test::PostgreSQL (01_basic/02_db.t)
- modify output on Ping API
- impl App::Model::Email
- add new DSLs (env, unauthorized)
1.26 2015-07-21
- display proctitle
1.25 2015-06-17
- impl CORS Plugin
- fix a bug on
- modify SQL files
1.24 2015-05-11
- update bootstap to version 3
- add favicon and apple-touch-icons
- add headers method in Dwarf::Module::DSL
- fix typo on App::Controller::ApiBase
1.23 2015-02-02
- add more tests
- add Model::Hash
- add model method in Dwarf
- shoot few bugs on Dwarf::Plugin::Text::CSV_XS
1.22 2015-01-06
- impl Dwarf::Plugin::Text::CSV_XS
1.21 2014-12-25
- update documents
- impl a validation filter ENCODE_UTF8
- add new plugin Devel::StackTrace
- use Devel::StackTrace plugin when server error occurred
- fix a few bugs
1.20 2014-12-24
- security fix for JSON API
- re-impl FormValidatr
- support DELETE method on App::Test
- fix a few bugs
1.19 2014-11-26
- use Dwarf::Request as request object
- use Dwarf::Response as response object
- support array type on validation (such as name[])
1.18 2014-11-06
- update run.cgi for SpeedyCGI
- move a directory of sql into app directory
1.17 2014-07-09
- impl base_row_class option on App::DB::Schema::Dumper
1.16 2014-06-09
- Add three Utils (DateTime/Geo/Password)
1.15 2014-06-04
- SCALAR is no longer available on Dwarf::Validator
- Add new feature "ARRAY" on Dwarf::Validator
- Add unauthorized method on Dwarf
- fix a few bugs
1.14 2014-05-02
- shoot a bug on Dwarf::Validator
1.13 2014-04-17
- don't add new line with debug method on Dwarf::Plugin::Log::Dispath
1.12 2014-04-16
- change default Content-Type on APIBase if URL is end with xml
1.11 2014-04-16
- impl some FILTERs for Dwarf::Validator
1.10 2014-04-14
- Impl Dwarf::Session::Store::DBI
1.09 2013-11-28
- Add new plugin Dwarf::Plugin::AnyEvent::Redis
- Change URL of Twitter OAuth from authorize to authenticate
- Modify error handling of Dwarf::Module::SocialMedia::Twitter
- Modify error handling of Dwarf::Module::SocialMedia::Facebook
- Fix bugs of Dwarf::Plugin::HTTP::Session
1.08 2013-11-22
- Fix bugs of Dwarf::Plugin::HTTP::Session
1.07 2013-11-21
- remove/add some validation constraints
1.06 2013-11-21
- Rename S2Factory::* to Dwarf::*
- Modify Dwarf::Module::SocialMedia::*
1.05 2013-11-20
- update updated_at column when Teng::Row::update() called
1.04 2013-11-19
- Add a plugin for Log::Dispatch::Rotate
- original version