Revision history for Perl extension Algorithm::KernelKMeans
0.03_02 2011-11-22
- Added cluster_indices() method
- Now it's recommended to use constants for named parameter "kernel" and
"initializer" instead of code references
- Cluster initializing uses KKZ procedure by default
- Default kernel is removed
- Kernel generators and cluster initializers become not exportable
- $Algorithm::KenrelKMeans::IMPLEMENTATION contains full qualified
package name instead of last part of it
- s/vertice(?=s)|vertex/vector/g
0.03_01 2010-11-23
run()'s named parameter "shuffle" is replaced by new "initializer"
- Documentation fix
0.03 2010-11-10
- INCOMPATIBLE CHANGE: Now all vectors represented as hashref
- Removed generate_polynominal_kernel()'s default parameters
0.02 2010-11-04
- Kernel matrix is manually specifiable
- Separation of implementation
0.01 2010-10-20
- Original version