Revision history for Perl extension STAFService.

0.22  Jan 15, 2008
	- Improved Documentation
	- Fixed a memory leak that would have happen if the service creator would, for
	  reasons unknown, call STAF::DelayedAnswer() on the request, and then return
	  normally instead of returning $STAF::DelayedAnswer.

0.21  Dec 24, 2007
    - Improved Documentation
	- The Threaded example does not print warnings anymore

0.20  Dec 5, 2007
	- Support for threaded services

0.07  Nov 28, 2007
	- Fixed bug of unclean crash when service failed to load
	- Improved Linux makefile

0.06  Oct 26, 2007
    - Improved module-loading. (won't crash STAF when itself crash)
	- Improved unix-makefile. but probably not working yet.
	- now have 7 unit tests.

0.05  Sep 24, 2007
	- Fixed "unreferenced scalar" on service unloading

0.04  Jul 15, 2007
	- Distributing Issus.

0.03  Jul 15, 2007
	- Minor bug fixes.

0.02  Jul 6, 2007
	- Portability, bug fixes.

0.01  Jun 28, 2007
	- original version; created by Shmuel Fomberg.