# $Id: restover.pm,v 1.6 2006/07/04 22:23:35 mauricio Exp $ # BioPerl module for Bio::Tools::Run::PiseApplication::restover # # Cared for by Catherine Letondal <letondal@pasteur.fr> # # For copyright and disclaimer see below. # # POD documentation - main docs before the code =head1 NAME Bio::Tools::Run::PiseApplication::restover =head1 SYNOPSIS # =head1 DESCRIPTION Bio::Tools::Run::PiseApplication::restover Bioperl class for: RESTOVER Finds restriction enzymes that produce a specific overhang (EMBOSS) Parameters: (see also: http://bioweb.pasteur.fr/seqanal/interfaces/restover.html for available values): restover (String) init (String) sequence (Sequence) sequence -- DNA [sequences] (-sequence) pipe: seqsfile seqcomp (String) Overlap sequence (-seqcomp) min (Integer) Minimum cuts per RE (-min) max (Integer) Maximum cuts per RE (-max) single (Switch) Force single site only cuts (-single) threeprime (Switch) 3' overhang? (else 5') e.g. BamHI has CTAG as a 5' overhang, and ApaI has CCGG as 3' overhang. (-threeprime) blunt (Switch) Allow blunt end cutters (-blunt) sticky (Switch) Allow sticky end cutters (-sticky) ambiguity (Switch) Allow ambiguous matches (-ambiguity) plasmid (Switch) Allow circular DNA (-plasmid) commercial (Switch) Only enzymes with suppliers (-commercial) datafile (String) Alternative RE data file (-datafile) html (Switch) Create HTML output (-html) limit (Switch) Limits reports to one isoschizomer (-limit) preferred (Switch) Report preferred isoschizomers (-preferred) alphabetic (Switch) Sort output alphabetically (-alphabetic) fragments (Switch) Show fragment lengths (-fragments) name (Switch) Show sequence name (-name) outfile (OutFile) outfile (-outfile) auto (String) =head1 FEEDBACK =head2 Mailing Lists User feedback is an integral part of the evolution of this and other Bioperl modules. Send your comments and suggestions preferably to the Bioperl mailing list. Your participation is much appreciated. bioperl-l@bioperl.org - General discussion http://bioperl.org/wiki/Mailing_lists - About the mailing lists =head2 Reporting Bugs Report bugs to the Bioperl bug tracking system to help us keep track of the bugs and their resolution. Bug reports can be submitted via the web: http://bugzilla.open-bio.org/ =head1 AUTHOR Catherine Letondal (letondal@pasteur.fr) =head1 COPYRIGHT Copyright (C) 2003 Institut Pasteur & Catherine Letondal. All Rights Reserved. This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. =head1 DISCLAIMER This software is provided "as is" without warranty of any kind. =head1 SEE ALSO =over =item * http://bioweb.pasteur.fr/seqanal/interfaces/restover.html =item * Bio::Tools::Run::PiseApplication =item * Bio::Tools::Run::AnalysisFactory::Pise =item * Bio::Tools::Run::PiseJob =back =cut #' package Bio::Tools::Run::PiseApplication::restover; use vars qw(@ISA); use strict; use Bio::Tools::Run::PiseApplication; @ISA = qw(Bio::Tools::Run::PiseApplication); =head2 new Title : new() Usage : my $restover = Bio::Tools::Run::PiseApplication::restover->new($location, $email, @params); Function: Creates a Bio::Tools::Run::PiseApplication::restover object. This method should not be used directly, but rather by a Bio::Tools::Run::AnalysisFactory::Pise instance. my $factory = Bio::Tools::Run::AnalysisFactory::Pise->new(); my $restover = $factory->program('restover'); Example : - Returns : An instance of Bio::Tools::Run::PiseApplication::restover. =cut sub new { my ($class, $location, $email, @params) = @_; my $self = $class->SUPER::new($location, $email); # -- begin of definitions extracted from /local/gensoft/lib/Pise/5.a/PerlDef/restover.pm $self->{COMMAND} = "restover"; $self->{VERSION} = "5.a"; $self->{TITLE} = "RESTOVER"; $self->{DESCRIPTION} = "Finds restriction enzymes that produce a specific overhang (EMBOSS)"; $self->{OPT_EMAIL} = 0; $self->{CATEGORIES} = [ "nucleic:restriction", ]; $self->{DOCLINK} = "http://www.uk.embnet.org/Software/EMBOSS/Apps/restover.html"; $self->{_INTERFACE_STANDOUT} = undef; $self->{_STANDOUT_FILE} = undef; $self->{TOP_PARAMETERS} = [ "restover", "init", "input", "required", "advanced", "output", "auto", ]; $self->{PARAMETERS_ORDER} = [ "restover", "init", "input", # input Section "sequence", # sequence -- DNA [sequences] (-sequence) "required", # required Section "seqcomp", # Overlap sequence (-seqcomp) "advanced", # advanced Section "min", # Minimum cuts per RE (-min) "max", # Maximum cuts per RE (-max) "single", # Force single site only cuts (-single) "threeprime", # 3' overhang? (else 5') e.g. BamHI has CTAG as a 5' overhang, and ApaI has CCGG as 3' overhang. (-threeprime) "blunt", # Allow blunt end cutters (-blunt) "sticky", # Allow sticky end cutters (-sticky) "ambiguity", # Allow ambiguous matches (-ambiguity) "plasmid", # Allow circular DNA (-plasmid) "commercial", # Only enzymes with suppliers (-commercial) "datafile", # Alternative RE data file (-datafile) "output", # output Section "html", # Create HTML output (-html) "limit", # Limits reports to one isoschizomer (-limit) "preferred", # Report preferred isoschizomers (-preferred) "alphabetic", # Sort output alphabetically (-alphabetic) "fragments", # Show fragment lengths (-fragments) "name", # Show sequence name (-name) "outfile", # outfile (-outfile) "auto", ]; $self->{TYPE} = { "restover" => 'String', "init" => 'String', "input" => 'Paragraph', "sequence" => 'Sequence', "required" => 'Paragraph', "seqcomp" => 'String', "advanced" => 'Paragraph', "min" => 'Integer', "max" => 'Integer', "single" => 'Switch', "threeprime" => 'Switch', "blunt" => 'Switch', "sticky" => 'Switch', "ambiguity" => 'Switch', "plasmid" => 'Switch', "commercial" => 'Switch', "datafile" => 'String', "output" => 'Paragraph', "html" => 'Switch', "limit" => 'Switch', "preferred" => 'Switch', "alphabetic" => 'Switch', "fragments" => 'Switch', "name" => 'Switch', "outfile" => 'OutFile', "auto" => 'String', }; $self->{FORMAT} = { "init" => { "perl" => ' "" ', }, "input" => { }, "sequence" => { "perl" => '" -sequence=$value -sformat=fasta"', }, "required" => { }, "seqcomp" => { "perl" => '" -seqcomp=$value"', }, "advanced" => { }, "min" => { "perl" => '(defined $value && $value != $vdef)? " -min=$value" : ""', }, "max" => { "perl" => '(defined $value && $value != $vdef)? " -max=$value" : ""', }, "single" => { "perl" => '($value)? " -single" : ""', }, "threeprime" => { "perl" => '($value)? " -threeprime" : ""', }, "blunt" => { "perl" => '($value)? "" : " -noblunt"', }, "sticky" => { "perl" => '($value)? "" : " -nosticky"', }, "ambiguity" => { "perl" => '($value)? "" : " -noambiguity"', }, "plasmid" => { "perl" => '($value)? " -plasmid" : ""', }, "commercial" => { "perl" => '($value)? "" : " -nocommercial"', }, "datafile" => { "perl" => '($value)? " -datafile=$value" : ""', }, "output" => { }, "html" => { "perl" => '($value)? " -html" : ""', }, "limit" => { "perl" => '($value)? "" : " -nolimit"', }, "preferred" => { "perl" => '($value)? " -preferred" : ""', }, "alphabetic" => { "perl" => '($value)? " -alphabetic" : ""', }, "fragments" => { "perl" => '($value)? " -fragments" : ""', }, "name" => { "perl" => '($value)? " -name" : ""', }, "outfile" => { "perl" => '" -outfile=$value"', }, "auto" => { "perl" => '" -auto -stdout"', }, "restover" => { "perl" => '"restover"', } }; $self->{FILENAMES} = { }; $self->{SEQFMT} = { "sequence" => [8], }; $self->{GROUP} = { "init" => -10, "sequence" => 1, "seqcomp" => 2, "min" => 3, "max" => 4, "single" => 5, "threeprime" => 6, "blunt" => 7, "sticky" => 8, "ambiguity" => 9, "plasmid" => 10, "commercial" => 11, "datafile" => 12, "html" => 13, "limit" => 14, "preferred" => 15, "alphabetic" => 16, "fragments" => 17, "name" => 18, "outfile" => 19, "auto" => 20, "restover" => 0 }; $self->{BY_GROUP_PARAMETERS} = [ "init", "input", "required", "advanced", "output", "restover", "sequence", "seqcomp", "min", "max", "single", "threeprime", "blunt", "sticky", "ambiguity", "plasmid", "commercial", "datafile", "html", "limit", "preferred", "alphabetic", "fragments", "name", "outfile", "auto", ]; $self->{SIZE} = { }; $self->{ISHIDDEN} = { "init" => 1, "input" => 0, "sequence" => 0, "required" => 0, "seqcomp" => 0, "advanced" => 0, "min" => 0, "max" => 0, "single" => 0, "threeprime" => 0, "blunt" => 0, "sticky" => 0, "ambiguity" => 0, "plasmid" => 0, "commercial" => 0, "datafile" => 0, "output" => 0, "html" => 0, "limit" => 0, "preferred" => 0, "alphabetic" => 0, "fragments" => 0, "name" => 0, "outfile" => 0, "auto" => 1, "restover" => 1 }; $self->{ISCOMMAND} = { "init" => 0, "input" => 0, "sequence" => 0, "required" => 0, "seqcomp" => 0, "advanced" => 0, "min" => 0, "max" => 0, "single" => 0, "threeprime" => 0, "blunt" => 0, "sticky" => 0, "ambiguity" => 0, "plasmid" => 0, "commercial" => 0, "datafile" => 0, "output" => 0, "html" => 0, "limit" => 0, "preferred" => 0, "alphabetic" => 0, "fragments" => 0, "name" => 0, "outfile" => 0, "auto" => 0, }; $self->{ISMANDATORY} = { "init" => 0, "input" => 0, "sequence" => 1, "required" => 0, "seqcomp" => 1, "advanced" => 0, "min" => 0, "max" => 0, "single" => 0, "threeprime" => 0, "blunt" => 0, "sticky" => 0, "ambiguity" => 0, "plasmid" => 0, "commercial" => 0, "datafile" => 0, "output" => 0, "html" => 0, "limit" => 0, "preferred" => 0, "alphabetic" => 0, "fragments" => 0, "name" => 0, "outfile" => 1, "auto" => 0, }; $self->{PROMPT} = { "init" => "", "input" => "input Section", "sequence" => "sequence -- DNA [sequences] (-sequence)", "required" => "required Section", "seqcomp" => "Overlap sequence (-seqcomp)", "advanced" => "advanced Section", "min" => "Minimum cuts per RE (-min)", "max" => "Maximum cuts per RE (-max)", "single" => "Force single site only cuts (-single)", "threeprime" => "3' overhang? (else 5') e.g. BamHI has CTAG as a 5' overhang, and ApaI has CCGG as 3' overhang. (-threeprime)", "blunt" => "Allow blunt end cutters (-blunt)", "sticky" => "Allow sticky end cutters (-sticky)", "ambiguity" => "Allow ambiguous matches (-ambiguity)", "plasmid" => "Allow circular DNA (-plasmid)", "commercial" => "Only enzymes with suppliers (-commercial)", "datafile" => "Alternative RE data file (-datafile)", "output" => "output Section", "html" => "Create HTML output (-html)", "limit" => "Limits reports to one isoschizomer (-limit)", "preferred" => "Report preferred isoschizomers (-preferred)", "alphabetic" => "Sort output alphabetically (-alphabetic)", "fragments" => "Show fragment lengths (-fragments)", "name" => "Show sequence name (-name)", "outfile" => "outfile (-outfile)", "auto" => "", }; $self->{ISSTANDOUT} = { "init" => 0, "input" => 0, "sequence" => 0, "required" => 0, "seqcomp" => 0, "advanced" => 0, "min" => 0, "max" => 0, "single" => 0, "threeprime" => 0, "blunt" => 0, "sticky" => 0, "ambiguity" => 0, "plasmid" => 0, "commercial" => 0, "datafile" => 0, "output" => 0, "html" => 0, "limit" => 0, "preferred" => 0, "alphabetic" => 0, "fragments" => 0, "name" => 0, "outfile" => 0, "auto" => 0, }; $self->{VLIST} = { "input" => ['sequence',], "required" => ['seqcomp',], "advanced" => ['min','max','single','threeprime','blunt','sticky','ambiguity','plasmid','commercial','datafile',], "output" => ['html','limit','preferred','alphabetic','fragments','name','outfile',], }; $self->{FLIST} = { }; $self->{SEPARATOR} = { }; $self->{VDEF} = { "min" => '1', "max" => '2000000000', "single" => '0', "threeprime" => '0', "blunt" => '1', "sticky" => '1', "ambiguity" => '1', "plasmid" => '0', "commercial" => '1', "html" => '0', "limit" => '1', "preferred" => '0', "alphabetic" => '0', "fragments" => '0', "name" => '0', "outfile" => 'outfile.out', }; $self->{PRECOND} = { "init" => { "perl" => '1' }, "input" => { "perl" => '1' }, "sequence" => { "perl" => '1' }, "required" => { "perl" => '1' }, "seqcomp" => { "perl" => '1' }, "advanced" => { "perl" => '1' }, "min" => { "perl" => '1' }, "max" => { "perl" => '1' }, "single" => { "perl" => '1' }, "threeprime" => { "perl" => '1' }, "blunt" => { "perl" => '1' }, "sticky" => { "perl" => '1' }, "ambiguity" => { "perl" => '1' }, "plasmid" => { "perl" => '1' }, "commercial" => { "perl" => '1' }, "datafile" => { "perl" => '1' }, "output" => { "perl" => '1' }, "html" => { "perl" => '1' }, "limit" => { "perl" => '1' }, "preferred" => { "perl" => '1' }, "alphabetic" => { "perl" => '1' }, "fragments" => { "perl" => '1' }, "name" => { "perl" => '1' }, "outfile" => { "perl" => '1' }, "auto" => { "perl" => '1' }, }; $self->{CTRL} = { }; $self->{PIPEOUT} = { }; $self->{WITHPIPEOUT} = { }; $self->{PIPEIN} = { "sequence" => { "seqsfile" => '1', }, }; $self->{WITHPIPEIN} = { }; $self->{ISCLEAN} = { "init" => 0, "input" => 0, "sequence" => 0, "required" => 0, "seqcomp" => 0, "advanced" => 0, "min" => 0, "max" => 0, "single" => 0, "threeprime" => 0, "blunt" => 0, "sticky" => 0, "ambiguity" => 0, "plasmid" => 0, "commercial" => 0, "datafile" => 0, "output" => 0, "html" => 0, "limit" => 0, "preferred" => 0, "alphabetic" => 0, "fragments" => 0, "name" => 0, "outfile" => 0, "auto" => 0, }; $self->{ISSIMPLE} = { "init" => 0, "input" => 0, "sequence" => 1, "required" => 0, "seqcomp" => 1, "advanced" => 0, "min" => 0, "max" => 0, "single" => 0, "threeprime" => 0, "blunt" => 0, "sticky" => 0, "ambiguity" => 0, "plasmid" => 0, "commercial" => 0, "datafile" => 0, "output" => 0, "html" => 0, "limit" => 0, "preferred" => 0, "alphabetic" => 0, "fragments" => 0, "name" => 0, "outfile" => 1, "auto" => 0, }; $self->{PARAMFILE} = { }; $self->{COMMENT} = { }; $self->{SCALEMIN} = { }; $self->{SCALEMAX} = { }; $self->{SCALEINC} = { }; $self->{INFO} = { }; # -- end of definitions extracted from /local/gensoft/lib/Pise/5.a/PerlDef/restover.pm $self->_init_params(@params); return $self; } 1; # Needed to keep compiler happy