Revision history for COPS-Client

0.05	19th October 2012
	Thanks to David Wang at CableVision for finding and help
	resolve some envelope issues and TimeSet and VolumeSet problems.

	volume_set and timebase_set have been changed to be simpler as well.

	Examples are

	$cops_client->volume_set( 3000000000 );
	$cops_client->timebase_set( 60 );

	Fixed a possible non initialised variable error.
	Update 7-1 Template to include the correct pragma

0.04	14th May 2012
	Added support for

		6.5.6 Procedures for Modifying a Gate

		Thanks to a patch from Ivan Prostran
0.03    4th August 2010

0.02	15th July 2010
	Completely made a mess of the test routines and left in tests
	which would fail on a fresh system and omitted a 64bit test

0.01    10th Jult 2010
        First version, very alpha but Man page, examples included
	See MAN page for review of bugs and current exceptions