Revision history for Collection-IPDR

0.10	21/11/2008
	Modified some of the DATA_ACK messaging so large sequence sets
	of data are ACKd correctly. ( in someways a bug previously )
	Added 64bit check upon start up. Important as some users reported
	problems with the data but in fact turned out to be non 64bit
	OS or installations of Perl ( make test anyone? )
0.09	9/11/2008
	Added support for 5.1 series software for Motorola BSR
	Some TCP and packet handling changes cause 0.08 to break
	Added nice connection failure state
0.08	3/11/2008
	DOCSIS 1.1 & 3 supported properly now.
	Multiple flows caused issues with session counting. This is
	now resolved.
	Added additional feature to XDR handler to return the RAW data
	before processing to allow independent debugging.
	Tidied up some memory leak issues
	Started work on an IPDR relay function. This module will connect/get
	IPDR data then allow other clients to connect to it for relay. Useful
	to allow vendors/third parties access to the data but not access to
	the original source due to security.
0.07    16/10/2008
        All module versions brought into line for the distribution
        Makes it easier to maintain one version across the board.
0.06	16/10/2008
	Released into the real world after testing completed
0.05	Made client and cisco have the same construct names
0.04	Reworked the XDR handler
0.03	Alpha state mark 2
0.02	Alpha state
0.01    01/09/2007
        First version, released on an unsuspecting world.