Revision history for Router-Statistics

0.97	3/12/2006
	Added into the OID module the telnet command set and tidied the
	STM gather code a little.
0.96	2/12/2006
	Added Telnet ( eekkk panic and run away quickly ) to allow correct
	STM statistics to be collected from routers. It looks like this is 
	heading down a dangerous path, however I DO NOT intend to use Telnet
	for anything else.
0.95	1/12/2006
	Added some basic man entries for the module , after a little feedback
	many more yet to come.
0.94	1/12/2006
	The development server had the wrong time, causing install failures for
	certain systems. This is now fixed ( ntpdate is useful ).
0.93	29/11/2006
	Added Blocking mirrors to all functions and some tidy up of code
0.92	28/11/2006
	Alot of tidying has occured and function listing for the documentation
0.91    27/11/2006
        First version, semi alpha release, used extensively in the real world
	but as yet not tidy enough for a full public release