Revision history for Mojolicious-Plugin-I18N
1.21 2014-01-04/13:27
* fixed url_for api compatibility issues (@alexeiras)
1.2 2014-01-02/07:35
* Cleanup, bugfixes for CPAN Testers
* Happy New Year! :-)
1.1 2013-12-25/13:20
* Some bugfixes, thanks and @temoon
1.0 2013-06-01/17:05
* Stable version of i18n plugin, it works with Mojolicious 4.0+
0.9 2013-01-03/01:02
* fixed default langauage and url_for, thnx
0.82 2012-12-09/19:09
* pull reqs on, thanks everyone
0.81 2012-07-23/16:32
* fixed test suite
0.8 2012-07-04/18:48
* rename namespace
0.2 2012-06-16/13:37
* fixed url_for
0.1 2012-02-29/15:40
* first release for public
* improve url_for helper
* add script