Revision history for Net-LastFM-Submission

0.62 2009-04-21 19:46
	Support to PoCo::Net::LastFM::Submission job_id (version 0.22)

0.61 2009-04-21 12:33
	Add encode_data and remove _encode

0.6  2009-04-10 23:22
	Fix documentation

0.5  2009-04-10 15:13
	Add POE::Component::Net::LastFM::Submission and support generate requests and parse response.
	Add examples/

0.4  2009-02-08 00:22
	Fix POD

0.3  2009-02-06 16:43
	Add dependecies, add examples/, add grep with encode

0.2  2009-02-05 00:20
	Edit POD manual

0.1  2009-02-04 18:05
	First version