package App::ListOrgAnniversaries; use 5.010; use strict; use warnings; use Log::Any qw($log); use Cwd qw(abs_path); use DateTime; use Digest::MD5 qw(md5_hex); use Lingua::EN::Numbers::Ordinate; use App::OrgUtils; require Exporter; our @ISA = qw(Exporter); our @EXPORT_OK = qw(list_org_anniversaries); our $VERSION = '0.15'; # VERSION our %SPEC; my $today; my $yest; sub _process_hl { my ($file, $hl, $args, $res, $tz) = @_; return unless $hl->is_leaf; $log->tracef("Processing %s ...", $hl->title->as_string); if ($args->{has_tags} || $args->{lacks_tags}) { my $tags = [$hl->get_tags]; if ($args->{has_tags}) { for (@{ $args->{has_tags} }) { return unless $_ ~~ @$tags; } } if ($args->{lacks_tags}) { for (@{ $args->{lacks_tags} }) { return if $_ ~~ @$tags; } } } my @annivs; $hl->walk( sub { my ($el) = @_; if ($el->isa('Org::Element::Timestamp')) { my $field = $el->field_name; return unless defined($field) && $field =~ $args->{field_pattern}; push @annivs, [$field, $el->datetime]; return; } if ($el->isa('Org::Element::Drawer') && $el->name eq 'PROPERTIES') { my $props = $el->properties; for my $k (keys %$props) { next unless $k =~ $args->{field_pattern}; my $v = $props->{$k}; unless ($v =~ /^\s*(\d{4})-(\d{2})-(\d{2})\s*$/) { $log->warn("Invalid date format $v, ". "must be YYYY-MM-DD"); next; } push @annivs, [$k, DateTime->new(year=>$1, month=>$2, day=>$3, time_zone=>$tz)]; return; } } } ); if (!@annivs) { $log->debug("Node doesn't contain anniversary fields, skipped"); return; } $log->tracef("annivs = ", \@annivs); for my $anniv (@annivs) { my ($field, $date) = @$anniv; $log->debugf("Anniversary found: field=%s, date=%s", $field, $date->ymd); my $y = $today->year - $date->year; my $date_ly = $date->clone; $date_ly->add(years => $y-1); my $date_ty = $date->clone; $date_ty->add(years => $y ); my $date_ny = $date->clone; $date_ny->add(years => $y+1); DATE: for my $d ($date_ly, $date_ty, $date_ny) { my $days = int(($d->epoch - $today->epoch)/86400); next if defined($args->{due_in}) && $days > $args->{due_in}; next if defined($args->{max_overdue}) && -$days > $args->{max_overdue}; next if !defined($args->{due_in}) && !defined($args->{max_overdue}) && DateTime->compare($d, $today) < 0; my $pl = abs($days) > 1 ? "s" : ""; my $hide_age = $date->year == 1900; my $msg = sprintf( "%s: %s of %s (%s)", $days == 0 ? "today" : $days < 0 ? abs($days)." day$pl ago" : "in $days day$pl", $hide_age ? $field : ordinate($d->year - $date->year)." $field", $hl->title->as_string, $hide_age ? $d->ymd : $date->ymd . " - " . $d->ymd); $log->debugf("Added this anniversary to result: %s", $msg); push @$res, [$msg, $d]; last DATE; } } # for @annivs } $SPEC{list_org_anniversaries} = { summary => 'List all anniversaries in Org files', description => <<'_', This function expects contacts in the following format: * First last :office:friend: :PROPERTIES: :BIRTHDAY: 1900-06-07 :EMAIL: :OTHERFIELD: ... :END: or: * Some name :office: - birthday :: [1900-06-07 ] - email :: - otherfield :: ... Using PROPERTIES, dates currently must be specified in "YYYY-MM-DD" format. Other format will be supported in the future. Using description list, dates can be specified using normal Org timestamps (repeaters and warning periods will be ignored). By convention, if year is '1900' it is assumed to mean year is not specified. By default, all contacts' anniversaries will be listed. You can filter contacts using tags ('has_tags' and 'lacks_tags' options), or by 'due_in' and 'max_overdue' options (due_in=14 and max_overdue=2 is what I commonly use in my startup script). _ args => { files => ['array*' => { of => 'str*', arg_pos => 0, arg_greedy => 1, }], cache_dir => ['str*' => { summary => 'Cache Org parse result', description => <<'_', Since Org::Parser can spend some time to parse largish Org files, this is an option to store the parse result. Caching is turned on if this argument is set. _ }], field_pattern => [str => { summary => 'Field regex that specifies anniversaries', default => '(?:birthday|anniversary)' }], has_tags => [array => { summary => 'Filter headlines that have the specified tags', }], lacks_tags => [array => { summary => 'Filter headlines that don\'t have the specified tags', arg_aliases => { lack_tags => {}, 'lack-tags' => {}, }, }], due_in => [int => { summary => 'Only show anniversaries that are due '. 'in this number of days', }], max_overdue => [int => { summary => 'Don\'t show dates that are overdue '. 'more than this number of days', }], time_zone => [str => { summary => 'Will be passed to parser\'s options', description => <<'_', If not set, TZ environment variable will be picked as default. _ }], today => [any => { of => ['int', [obj => {isa=>'DateTime'}]], summary => 'Assume today\'s date', description => <<'_', You can provide Unix timestamp or DateTime object. If you provide a DateTime object, remember to set the correct time zone. _ }], sort => [any => { of => [ ['str*' => {in=>['due_date', '-due_date']}], 'code*' ], default => 'due_date', summary => 'Specify sorting', description => <<'_', If string, must be one of 'date', '-date' (descending). If code, sorting code will get [REC, DUE_DATE] as the items to compare, where REC is the final record that will be returned as final result (can be a string or a hash, if 'detail' is enabled), and DUE_DATE is the DateTime object. _ }], }, }; sub list_org_anniversaries { my %args = @_; my $sort = $args{sort} // 'due_date'; my $tz = $args{time_zone} // $ENV{TZ} // "UTC"; # XXX schema my $files = $args{files}; return [400, "Please specify files"] if !$files || !@$files; my $f = $args{field_pattern} // '(?:birthday|anniversary)'; return [400, "Invalid field_pattern: $@"] unless eval { $f = qr/$f/i }; $args{field_pattern} = $f; if ($args{today}) { if (ref($args{today})) { $today = $args{today}; } else { $today = DateTime->from_epoch(epoch=>$args{today}, time_zone=>$tz); } } else { $today = DateTime->today(time_zone => $tz); } $yest = $today->clone->add(days => -1); my $orgp = Org::Parser->new; my @res; my %docs = App::OrgUtils::_load_org_files_with_cache( $files, $args{cache_dir}, {time_zone=>$tz}); for my $file (keys %docs) { my $doc = $docs{$file}; $doc->walk( sub { my ($el) = @_; return unless $el->isa('Org::Element::Headline'); _process_hl($file, $el, \%args, \@res, $tz); }); } if ($sort) { if (ref($sort) eq 'CODE') { @res = sort $sort @res; } elsif ($sort =~ /^-?due_date$/) { @res = sort { my $dt1 = $a->[1]; my $dt2 = $b->[1]; my $comp = DateTime->compare($dt1, $dt2); ($sort =~ /^-/ ? -1 : 1) * $comp; } @res; } else { # XXX should die here because when Sah is ready, invalid values have # been filtered return [400, "Invalid sort argument"]; } } [200, "OK", [map {$_->[0]} @res]]; } 1; #ABSTRACT: List headlines in Org files =pod =head1 NAME App::ListOrgAnniversaries - List headlines in Org files =head1 VERSION version 0.15 =head1 SYNOPSIS # See list-org-anniversaries script =head1 DESCRIPTION This module uses L<Log::Any> logging framework. =head1 FUNCTIONS None are exported, but they are exportable. =head1 DESCRIPTION This module has L<Rinci> metadata. =head1 FUNCTIONS None are exported by default, but they are exportable. =head2 list_org_anniversaries(%args) -> [status, msg, result, meta] List all anniversaries in Org files. This function expects contacts in the following format: =over =item * First last :office:friend: :PROPERTIES: :BIRTHDAY: 1900-06-07 :EMAIL: :OTHERFIELD: ... :END: =back or: =over =item * Some name :office: =item * birthday :: [1900-06-07 ] =item * email :: =item * otherfield :: ... =back Using PROPERTIES, dates currently must be specified in "YYYY-MM-DD" format. Other format will be supported in the future. Using description list, dates can be specified using normal Org timestamps (repeaters and warning periods will be ignored). By convention, if year is '1900' it is assumed to mean year is not specified. By default, all contacts' anniversaries will be listed. You can filter contacts using tags ('hasI<tags' and 'lacks>tags' options), or by 'dueI<in' and 'max>overdue' options (dueI<in=14 and max>overdue=2 is what I commonly use in my startup script). Arguments ('*' denotes required arguments): =over 4 =item * B<cache_dir> => I<str> Cache Org parse result. Since Org::Parser can spend some time to parse largish Org files, this is an option to store the parse result. Caching is turned on if this argument is set. =item * B<due_in> => I<int> Only show anniversaries that are due in this number of days. =item * B<field_pattern> => I<str> (default: "(?:birthday|anniversary)") Field regex that specifies anniversaries. =item * B<files> => I<array> =item * B<has_tags> => I<array> Filter headlines that have the specified tags. =item * B<lacks_tags> => I<array> Filter headlines that don't have the specified tags. =item * B<max_overdue> => I<int> Don't show dates that are overdue more than this number of days. =item * B<sort> => I<code|str> (default: "due_date") Specify sorting. If string, must be one of 'date', '-date' (descending). If code, sorting code will get [REC, DUEI<DATE] as the items to compare, where REC is the final record that will be returned as final result (can be a string or a hash, if 'detail' is enabled), and DUE>DATE is the DateTime object. =item * B<time_zone> => I<str> Will be passed to parser's options. If not set, TZ environment variable will be picked as default. =item * B<today> => I<int|obj> Assume today's date. You can provide Unix timestamp or DateTime object. If you provide a DateTime object, remember to set the correct time zone. =back Return value: Returns an enveloped result (an array). First element (status) is an integer containing HTTP status code (200 means OK, 4xx caller error, 5xx function error). Second element (msg) is a string containing error message, or 'OK' if status is 200. Third element (result) is optional, the actual result. Fourth element (meta) is called result metadata and is optional, a hash that contains extra information. =head1 AUTHOR Steven Haryanto <> =head1 COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This software is copyright (c) 2012 by Steven Haryanto. This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself. =cut __END__