Revision history for App-Riap
0.03 2014-01-01 (SHARYANTO)
- Cache some Riap results like meta/info/list to speed up tab
completion, help, ls.
- Alias -u for --user, -p for --password; document about
- if 'ls' command mentions path, error 404 if there are no matches.
0.02 2013-11-27 (SHARYANTO)
- Fix Riap requesting so it works with Riap::HTTP, etc.
- Fix tab completion on path so it mimics shell better (no space
automatically added after a match on dir).
- Add commands: show, req, meta, info, call.
- Save command history even though we are interrupted.
- Add setting: debug_completion to show Riap requests for completion as
well as completion alternatives.
- Change setting debug_show_{request,response} to debug_riap.
0.01 2013-11-06 (SHARYANTO)
- First release.