Revision history for Complete-Getopt-Long
0.07 2014-07-27 (SHARYANTO)
- [ux] Completion routine can now return undef so that
complete_cli_arg() calls default/fallback completion routine that
complets from environment vars ('$foo'), usernames ('~foo'), or files.
0.06 2014-07-27 (SHARYANTO)
- Completion routine now gets extra information/arguments. In addition
to 'word', it now also gets: type, opt, ospec, argpos, parent_args,
- 'completion' argument is now a single coderef instead of hash of
coderefs/arrays. This makes the code (and client code) simpler. But
you now must supply a code instead of just an array.
0.05 2014-07-26 (SHARYANTO)
- Add option: fallback_completion.
- Provide default fallback_completion that can complete environment
variables ($foo), Unix usernames (~foo), wildcards (foo*), or
- Other fixes.
0.04 2014-07-26 (SHARYANTO)
- Change algorithm so things become simpler.
- Now does not repeat mentioned non-repeatable option names (including
aliases and abbreviated), e.g. when you have getopt_spec =>
{'help|h'=>sub{}, 'hour=i'=>sub{}, 'foo=s'=>\@ary}, then if cmdline is
(^ marks the point of completion) '--he --h^' or '-h --h^' then it
will complete to ['--hour'] only because '--help' has been mentioned.
But repeatable option can be repeated, e.g. '--foo --^' will complete
to ['--foo', '--help', '--hour'].
0.03 2014-07-24 (SHARYANTO)
- Handle equal sign (--foo=<tab>).
0.02 2014-07-22 (SHARYANTO)
- [Bugfix] Fix endless loop after flag option.
0.01 2014-07-22 (SHARYANTO)
- First release.