Revision history for Data-Dump-PHP
0.08 2013-09-09 (SHARYANTO)
- No functional changes. Rebuild with MakeMaker instead of
Module::Build because the latter is deprecated from core in 5.19.
0.07 2010-11-25 (SHARYANTO)
- Update $VERSION
0.06 2010-11-25 (SHARYANTO)
- Fix PHP escape sequence (PHP doesn't have \a, \b, \e but has \v)
0.05 2010-11-03 (SHARYANTO)
- (apply Data::Dump change) Deal with the perl-5.13 (?^:...) regex
0.04 2010-04-14 (SHARYANTO)
- Add flag ($Data::Dump::PHP::USE_LAMBDA, default 0) to output
PHP 5.3 code (which uses lambda function instead of the ugly
0.03 2010-04-14 (SHARYANTO)
- Fixed typos in POD.
0.02 2010-04-14 (SHARYANTO)
- Fixed typos in POD and Changes.
- Fixed skipping Data::Dump original tests.
0.01 2010-04-06 (SHARYANTO)
- First release. Code is copied from Data-Dump-1.15.