Revision history for Data-ModeMerge
0.28 2012-11-30 (SHARYANTO)
- Replace Clone::Any with Data::Clone (Clone::Any fallbacks to Storable
which doesnt support storing Regexp)
- Add missing dependency to Test::Exception [RT#81544]
0.27 2011-02-24 (SHARYANTO)
- regression: Clone needed as dependency
0.26 2011-02-23 (SHARYANTO)
- switch from Mouse to Moo
0.25 2010-11-10 (SHARYANTO)
- add use 5.010 instead of use feature (5.8.x doesn't have this yet)
0.24 2010-07-23 (SHARYANTO)
- switch from Clone to Clone::Any (but still list Clone as dep)
0.23 2010-02-17 (SHARYANTO)
- switch from Moose to Any::Moose (+Mouse as dependency)
0.22 2009-12-17 (SHARYANTO)
- some work on doc
- minor fixes
0.21 2009-12-15 (SHARYANTO)
- replace Storable + Regexp::Copy with Clone
0.20 2009-12-15 (SHARYANTO)
- use Regexp::Copy
0.19 2009-12-14 (SHARYANTO)
- fix copy-paste bug
0.18 2009-12-12 (SHARYANTO)
- bug fix: custom prefix_re got reset in hash merge
- bug fix: restore_config() didn't recreate DM::Config object
but hash instead
0.17 2009-12-12 (SHARYANTO)
is now defined as a NORMAL merge, except that all keys on the
right-side hash which do not have a merge prefix will be
assumed to have a DELETE prefix. This means the SUBTRACT mode
can now grok mode prefix and options key too.
mode now will make the key disappear even if there is no
corresponding left or right side. merge({}, {"!a"=>1}) and
merge({"!a"=>1}, {}) used to be {"!a"=>1} but now will be
{}. I believe this is more intuitive/expected.
0.16 2009-12-11 (SHARYANTO)
- some work on doc
0.15 2009-12-11 (SHARYANTO)
- new config; premerge_pair_filter
- NORMAL mode can handle CODE refs
- can merge recursive/circular references (though not all possible cases)
0.14 2009-12-07 (SHARYANTO)
- Minor fix to Makefile.PL
- Minor fix to options key handling
0.13 2009-12-07 (SHARYANTO)
This is a major refactoring of the module. The goal is to make
the code more flexible (e.g. adding future modes, changing
prefix for each mode, etc). Configuration is also
significantly expanded.
- rename dist: Data-PrefixMerge -> Data-ModeMerge (to reflect
the fact that merging mode can be selected not only via a
"prefix" but more generally by a regex test on key).
- incompatible behaviour: all hash prefixes on the left-side
and right-side hash will be removed recursively after merge,
even if it is not a hash-hash merge, e.g. mode_merge({a=>1},
{b=>{"+c"=>1}) used to become {a=>1, b=>{"+c"=>1}} but now
it will become {a=>1, b=>{c=>1}}. this ensures that all
prefixes are "cleaned" after merge.
- incompatible behaviour: KEEP prefix (^) is now always sticky
so it always protects future merges (equivalent to old
config's preserve_keep_prefix). If you want KEEP prefix to
be removed after merge, set config C<readd_prefix> to 0.
- incompatible change: options key is now enabled by
default, with "" (empty string) as the key.
- incompatible change: configuration 'parse_hash_key_prefix'
renamed to 'parse_prefix'.
- removed: remove_keep_prefix(), replaced by the more generic
- configurable prefix for each merging mode.
- new config: set_prefix allows you to change prefixes, even
in the middle of recursive merge.
- new config: allow_override & disallow_override.
- new config: allow_create_array, allow_create_hash,
allow_destroy_array, allow_destroy_hash.
- new config: exclude_parse, exclude_parse_regex,
include_parse, include_parse_regex.
- new config: exclude_merge, exclude_merge_regex,
include_merge, include_merge_regex.
- new config: disable_modes. each merging mode can now be
individually enabled/disabled through configuration.
- options key now understands almost all configuration.
0.12 2009-11-25 (SHARYANTO)
- new option: hash_options_key
- fixed random ordering bug (closes #51799)
0.11 2009-11-23 (SHARYANTO)
- add max_level parameter to remove_keep_prefixes()
0.10 2009-11-23 (SHARYANTO)
- handle recursion in remove_keep_prefixes()
0.09 2009-11-18 (SHARYANTO)
- fix bug in remove_keep_prefixes()
0.08 2009-11-18 (SHARYANTO)
- new method: remove_keep_prefixes()
0.07 2009-11-18 (SHARYANTO)
- minor fixes
0.06 2009-11-08 (SHARYANTO)
- INCOMPATIBLE CHANGE: getting and setting config is now done via
$merger->config->confname instead of $merger->config->{confname} to
catch config name typos at compile time.
0.05 2009-06-22 (SHARYANTO)
- yet another incompatible change: keep prefix now uses '^' instead of
'!' on the left side. this allows keep mode on the right side. on a
series of merge we can now introduce keep mode at one point (not just
on the first hash) and then preserve that keep mode afterwards.
0.04 2009-06-17 (SHARYANTO)
- support KEEP merge for hash & hash
0.03 2009-06-12 (SHARYANTO)
- incompatible change: '*' prefix on the left now means normal merge
mode (to protect hash keys having special characters). keep mode now
uses '!' on the left side.
- add config: preserve_prefix (default is 0)
0.02 2009-03-30 (SHARYANTO)
Rename Data-RecMerge to Data-PrefixMerge
0.01 2009-03-29 (SHARYANTO)
First release