Revision history for Data-PrefixMerge
0.05 2009-06-22
- yet another incompatible change: keep prefix now uses '^' instead of
'!' on the left side. this allows keep mode on the right side. on a
series of merge we can now introduce keep mode at one point (not just
on the first hash) and then preserve that keep mode afterwards.
0.04 2009-06-17
- support KEEP merge for hash & hash
0.03 2009-06-12
- incompatible change: '*' prefix on the left now means normal merge
mode (to protect hash keys having special characters). keep mode now
uses '!' on the left side.
- add config: preserve_prefix (default is 0)
0.02 2009-03-30
Rename Data-RecMerge to Data-PrefixMerge
0.01 2009-03-29
First release