Revision history for File-Trash-FreeDesktop

0.12    2014-05-01 (SHARYANTO)

        - Also try file's mountpoint + /tmp for trash dir (providing it's still
          under the same mountpoint as the file). This avoids failure when
          trying to delete files in /tmp in typical situation (previously the
          module tried to create /.Trash-1000).

0.11    2012-09-06 (SHARYANTO)

        - No functional changes.


        - Delay loading Sys::Filesystem::MountPoint.

0.10    2012-09-05 (SHARYANTO)


        - Handle incomplete trash directory (e.g. missing info/, happens from
          time to time to trash in /tmp, causing test failures).

0.09    2012-08-30 (SHARYANTO)


        - Add Synopsis and a couple of logging messages.

        [BUG FIXES]

        - Fix symlink handling when determining mountpoint.

0.08    2012-08-29 (SHARYANTO)


        - Add option 'suffix' to trash() and recover(). Mark 'mtime' deprecated
          (or, to be exact, not recommended since now).

0.07    2012-08-24 (SHARYANTO)


        - Replace Cwd::abs_path() with SHARYANTO::File::Util::l_abs_path() which
          allows us to trash symlink (instead of trashing the symlink's target).

0.06    2012-08-24 (SHARYANTO)


        - recover(): Add option 'mtime'.

        [BUG FIXES]

        - Path was not recorded in absolute in .trashinfo

0.05    2012-07-27 (SHARYANTO)


        - recover(): Add option 'on_target_exists'.

0.04    2012-07-27 (SHARYANTO)


        - recover(): Check restore target first, die if restore target exists.

        - recover(): Add option 'on_not_found'.

        - trash(): Add option 'on_not_found'.

0.03    2012-07-26 (SHARYANTO)


        - By default sort list_contents() result by deletion_date (older first)
          and file name.

0.02    2012-07-26 (SHARYANTO)


        - trash() returns location of file in trash.

0.01    2012-07-12 (SHARYANTO)

        - First version.