Revision history for Finance-Bank-ID-Mandiri
0.24 2012-11-17 (SHARYANTO)
- (personal) Site changed text 'Posisi Saldo' to 'Informasi Saldo' in
account details/balance page.
- Experiment using LWP::Protocol::Net::Curl because it supports
HTTP_PROXY and its sslversion=>3 works while HTTPS_VERSION=3 does not
work and hangs the website.
- Use HTTP::Headers::Patch::DontUseStorable to avoid problem when
cloning Regexp object.
0.23 2012-11-16 (SHARYANTO)
- (personal) Sometimes transaction history page is titled 'MUTASI
0.22 2012-02-08 (SHARYANTO)
Synchronize to Finance::Bank::ID::Base 0.22. Add script
bin/parse-mandiri-statement. Add return_datetime_obj option in
parse_statement(). Copy-pasting copy-pasted text from GUI browser is
deprecated (except for new MCM format for now).
0.21 2011-07-15 (SHARYANTO)
- Support old MCM format (v201103) as well as new one (v201107).
0.20 2011-07-13 (SHARYANTO)
- (build) Fix dzil's dist.ini.
0.19 2011-07-13 (SHARYANTO)
- Parse new MCM format (July 2011).
0.18 2011-06-15 (SHARYANTO)
No functional changes. Fixed missing dependencies [CT].
0.17 2011-06-10 (SHARYANTO)
No functional changes.
- Workaround for App::Options' quirk, to avoid test failures.
- Some POD fixes.
0.16 2011-06-10 (SHARYANTO)
No functional changes. Moved script from examples/ to bin/.
0.15 2011-03-08 (SHARYANTO)
- switch from Mouse to Moo
- adjustment to latest MCM semicolon format (optional extra field for
third description line. or is it unescaped semicolon? we'll just have
to see)
0.14 2010-12-03 (SHARYANTO)
- change example script to use Log::Any::App
0.13 2010-09-24 (SHARYANTO)
- make semicolon format parsing stricter, stricter is better
0.12 2010-09-23 (SHARYANTO)
- enable verify_https in example script
- add support for parsing new corporate ibanking statement (MCM),
semicolon format
0.11 2010-09-23 (SHARYANTO)
- forgot to set https_host
0.10 2010-09-23 (SHARYANTO)
- uses Finance::Bank::ID::Base v0.10 (new verify_https option)
0.09 2010-06-17 (SHARYANTO)
- build fixes
- synchronize version number with Finance::Bank::ID::BCA
0.06 2010-06-11 (SHARYANTO)
- INCOMPATIBLE CHANGE: parse_statement now always returns
3-element arrayref instead of depending on list/scalar
context. Sorry for this, I'm trying make all my HTTP-style
interface consistent.
0.05 2010-02-17 (SHARYANTO)
- switch from Moose to Any::Moose (+Mouse as dependency)
0.04 2010-01-13 (SHARYANTO)
- remove "use Log::Log4perl" in test script
0.03 2010-01-07 (SHARYANTO)
- switch from Log::Log4perl to Log::Any
- switch from MakeMaker to Module::Builder
0.02 2009-10-20 (SHARYANTO)
- Minor fixes.
0.01 2009-10-15 (SHARYANTO)
First release.