package Language::Expr::Compiler::JS; BEGIN { $Language::Expr::Compiler::JS::VERSION = '0.05'; } # Compile Language::Expr expression to JS use Any::Moose; with 'Language::Expr::EvaluatorRole'; extends 'Language::Expr::Evaluator'; use UUID::Tiny ':std'; has todo => (is => 'rw', default => sub { [] }); sub rule_pair { my ($self, %args) = @_; my $match = $args{match}; "$match->{key} => $match->{value}"; } sub rule_or_xor { my ($self, %args) = @_; my $match = $args{match}; my @res; push @res, shift @{$match->{operand}}; for my $term (@{$match->{operand}}) { my $op = shift @{$match->{op}//=[]}; last unless $op; if ($op eq '||') { push @res, " || $term" } elsif ($op eq '//') { push @res, " // $term" } # add parenthesis because perl's xor precendence is low elsif ($op eq '^^') { @res = ("(", @res, " xor $term)") } } join "", grep {defined} @res; } sub rule_and { my ($self, %args) = @_; my $match = $args{match}; my @res; push @res, shift @{$match->{operand}}; for my $term (@{$match->{operand}}) { my $op = shift @{$match->{op}//=[]}; last unless $op; if ($op eq '&&') { push @res, " && $term" } } join "", grep {defined} @res; } sub rule_bit_or_xor { my ($self, %args) = @_; my $match = $args{match}; my @res; push @res, shift @{$match->{operand}}; for my $term (@{$match->{operand}}) { my $op = shift @{$match->{op}//=[]}; last unless $op; if ($op eq '|') { push @res, " | $term" } elsif ($op eq '^') { push @res, " ^ $term" } } join "", grep {defined} @res; } sub rule_bit_and { my ($self, %args) = @_; my $match = $args{match}; my @res; push @res, shift @{$match->{operand}}; for my $term (@{$match->{operand}}) { my $op = shift @{$match->{op}//=[]}; last unless $op; if ($op eq '&') { push @res, " & $term" } } join "", grep {defined} @res; } sub rule_comparison3 { my ($self, %args) = @_; my $match = $args{match}; my @res; push @res, shift @{$match->{operand}}; for my $term (@{$match->{operand}}) { my $op = shift @{$match->{op}//=[]}; last unless $op; if ($op eq '<=>') { push @res, " <=> $term" } elsif ($op eq 'cmp') { push @res, " cmp $term" } } join "", grep {defined} @res; } sub rule_comparison { my ($self, %args) = @_; my $match = $args{match}; my @opds; push @opds, shift @{$match->{operand}}; return '' unless defined $opds[0]; my @ops; for my $term (@{$match->{operand}}) { push @opds, $term; my $op = shift @{$match->{op}//=[]}; last unless $op; if ($op eq '==' ) { push @ops, '==' } elsif ($op eq '!=' ) { push @ops, '!=' } elsif ($op eq 'eq' ) { push @ops, 'eq' } elsif ($op eq 'ne' ) { push @ops, 'ne' } elsif ($op eq 'ne' ) { push @ops, 'ne' } elsif ($op eq '<' ) { push @ops, '<' } elsif ($op eq '<=' ) { push @ops, '<=' } elsif ($op eq '>' ) { push @ops, '>' } elsif ($op eq '>=' ) { push @ops, '>=' } elsif ($op eq 'lt' ) { push @ops, 'lt' } elsif ($op eq 'le' ) { push @ops, 'le' } elsif ($op eq 'gt' ) { push @ops, 'gt' } elsif ($op eq 'ge' ) { push @ops, 'ge' } } return $opds[0] unless @ops; my @res; my $lastopd; my ($opd1, $opd2); while (@ops) { my $op = pop @ops; if (defined($lastopd)) { $opd2 = $lastopd; $opd1 = pop @opds; } else { $opd2 = pop @opds; $opd1 = pop @opds; } if (@res) { @res = ("(($opd1 $op $opd2) ? ", @res, " : '')"); } else { push @res, "($opd1 $op $opd2)"; } $lastopd = $opd1; } join "", @res; } sub rule_bit_shift { my ($self, %args) = @_; my $match = $args{match}; my @res; push @res, shift @{$match->{operand}}; for my $term (@{$match->{operand}}) { my $op = shift @{$match->{op}//=[]}; last unless $op; if ($op eq '>>') { push @res, " >> $term" } elsif ($op eq '<<') { push @res, " << $term" } } join "", grep {defined} @res; } sub rule_add { my ($self, %args) = @_; my $match = $args{match}; my @res; push @res, shift @{$match->{operand}}; for my $term (@{$match->{operand}}) { my $op = shift @{$match->{op}//=[]}; last unless $op; if ($op eq '.') { push @res, " . $term" } if ($op eq '+') { push @res, " + $term" } if ($op eq '-') { push @res, " - $term" } } join "", grep {defined} @res; } sub rule_mult { my ($self, %args) = @_; my $match = $args{match}; my @res; push @res, shift @{$match->{operand}}; for my $term (@{$match->{operand}}) { my $op = shift @{$match->{op}//=[]}; last unless $op; if ($op eq '*') { push @res, " * $term" } if ($op eq '/') { push @res, " / $term" } if ($op eq '%') { push @res, " % $term" } if ($op eq 'x') { push @res, " x $term" } } join "", grep {defined} @res; } sub rule_unary { my ($self, %args) = @_; my $match = $args{match}; my @res; push @res, $match->{operand}; for my $op (reverse @{$match->{op}//=[]}) { last unless $op; # use paren because --x or ++x is interpreted as pre-decrement/increment if ($op eq '!') { @res = ("!(", @res, ")") } if ($op eq '-') { @res = ("-(", @res, ")") } if ($op eq '~') { @res = ("~(", @res, ")") } } join "", grep {defined} @res; } sub rule_power { my ($self, %args) = @_; my $match = $args{match}; my @res; push @res, shift @{$match->{operand}}; for my $term (@{$match->{operand}}) { push @res, " ** $term"; } join "", grep {defined} @res; } sub rule_subscripting { my ($self, %args) = @_; my $match = $args{match}; my $opd = $match->{operand}; my @ss = @{$match->{subscript}//=[]}; return $opd unless @ss; my $res; for my $s (@ss) { $opd = $res if defined($res); $res = qq!(do { my (\$v) = ($opd); my (\$s) = ($s); !. qq!if (ref(\$v) eq 'HASH') { \$v->{\$s} } !. qq!elsif (ref(\$v) eq 'ARRAY') { \$v->[\$s] } else { !. qq!die "Invalid subscript \$s for \$v" } })!; } $res; } sub rule_array { my ($self, %args) = @_; my $match = $args{match}; "[" . join(", ", @{ $match->{element} }) . "]"; } sub rule_hash { my ($self, %args) = @_; my $match = $args{match}; "{" . join(", ", @{ $match->{pair} }). "}"; } sub rule_undef { "undef"; } sub rule_squotestr { __quote(Language::Expr::Interpreter::Default::rule_squotestr(@_)); } sub rule_dquotestr { __quote(Language::Expr::Interpreter::Default::rule_dquotestr(@_)); } sub rule_bool { my ($self, %args) = @_; my $match = $args{match}; if ($match->{bool} eq 'true') { 1 } else { "''" } } sub rule_num { my ($self, %args) = @_; my $match = $args{match}; if ($match->{num} eq 'inf') { '"Inf"' } elsif ($match->{num} eq 'nan') { '"NaN"' } else { $match->{num}+0 } } sub rule_var { my ($self, %args) = @_; my $match = $args{match}; "\$$match->{var}"; } sub rule_func { my ($self, %args) = @_; my $match = $args{match}; my $f = $match->{func_name}; my $args = $match->{args}; "$f(".join(", ", @$args).")"; } sub _map_grep_usort { my ($which, $self, %args) = @_; my $match = $args{match}; my $ary = $match->{array}; my $expr = $match->{expr}; my $perlop = $which eq 'map' ? 'map' : $which eq 'grep' ? 'grep' : 'sort'; my $todoid = __uuidgen(); # yes, this is not proper push @{ $self->todo }, [$todoid, $expr]; "[$perlop({ TODO-$todoid } \@{$ary})]"; } sub rule_func_map { _map_grep_usort('map', @_); } sub rule_func_grep { _map_grep_usort('grep', @_); } sub rule_func_usort { _map_grep_usort('usort', @_); } sub rule_parenthesis { my ($self, %args) = @_; my $match = $args{match}; "(" . $match->{answer} . ")"; } sub expr_preprocess {} sub expr_postprocess { my ($self, %args) = @_; my $result = $args{result}; $result; } # can't use regex here (perl segfaults), at least in 5.10.1, because # we are in one big re::gr regex. sub __quote { my @c; for my $c (split '', $_[0]) { my $o = ord($c); if ($c eq '"') { push @c, '\\"' } elsif ($c eq "\\") { push @c, "\\\\" } elsif ($c eq '$') { push @c, "\\\$" } elsif ($c eq '@') { push @c, '\\@' } elsif ($o >= 32 && $o <= 127) { push @c, $c } else { push @c, sprintf("\\x%02x", $o) } } '"' . join("", @c) . '"'; } sub __uuidgen { UUID::Tiny::create_uuid_as_string(UUID_V4); } sub perl { my ($self, $expr) = @_; my $res = Language::Expr::Parser::parse_expr($expr, $self); for my $todo (@{ $self->todo }) { my $todoid = $todo->[0]; my $subexpr = $todo->[1]; my $subres = Language::Expr::Parser::parse_expr($subexpr, $self); $res =~ s/TODO-$todoid/$subres/g; } $self->todo([]); $res; } sub eval { my ($self, $expr) = @_; my $res = eval $self->perl($expr); die $@ if $@; $res; } __PACKAGE__->meta->make_immutable; no Any::Moose; 1; __END__ =pod =head1 NAME Language::Expr::Compiler::JS =head1 VERSION version 0.05 =head1 DESCRIPTION Compiles Language::Expr expression to JS code. Some notes: =over 4 =item * Currently strings are rudimentary escaped. Data dumping modules can't be used currently due to segfaults (at least in 5.10.1). =item * Variables by default simply use JavaScript variables. E.g. $a becomes $a, and so on. Be careful not to make variables which are invalid in JavaScript, e.g. $.. or ${foo/bar}. You can subclass and override rule_var() if you want to provide your own variables. =item * Functions by default simply use Perl functions. =back =head1 ATTRIBUTES =head2 todo => ARRAYREF Used to remember which subexpression need to be parsed later. =head1 METHODS =for Pod::Coverage ^(rule|expr)_.+ =head2 perl($expr) => $perl_code Convert Language::Expr expression into Perl code. Dies if there is syntax error in expression. =head1 AUTHOR Steven Haryanto <> =head1 COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This software is copyright (c) 2010 by Steven Haryanto. This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself. =cut