Revision history for Log-Any-App

0.07     2010-04-16
         - Changed running init() in INIT phase instead of CHECK (to
           prevent it running when under -c).

0.06     2010-04-09
         - Fixed wrong version (typo) in dependency

0.05     2010-04-09
         - Require newer version of Log::Any & Log::Any::Adapter
         - Bug fix: did not DEBUG, TRACE, etc environment correctly

0.04     2010-03-24
         - Don't log to file when testing.

0.03     2010-03-24
         - Require File::Path >= 2.07 (for make_path)

0.02     2010-03-19
         - Add -dump option.
         - default mode append for file.
         - Add debug statements (activated via LOGANYAPP_DEBUG=1) to
           help debug logging configuration.
         - Bug fix: respect screen's color => 0 setting.
         - Don't do screen colors unless in interactive terminal.
         - Bug fix: export '$log' in BEGIN, not CHECK phase.

0.01     2010-03-17
         First release.