Revision history for Log-Any-For-Class

0.07     2012-07-17 (SHARYANTO)

         Previous release doesn't work. Revert to 0.05.

0.06     2012-07-17 (SHARYANTO)

         - 'filter_subs' cannot be coderef anymore for now.

         - Use Module::Patch 0.07

0.05     2012-07-10 (SHARYANTO)


         - logger receives hashref arguments instead of hash, so it can modify


         - Handle wantarray undef.

0.04     2012-07-10 (SHARYANTO)


         - Add Log::Any::For::Package

         - Add argument: 'filter_subs' ('filter_methods' for

0.03     2012-07-10 (SHARYANTO)

         [BUG FIXES]

         - Don't try to load module if package already exists.

         - Don't log $self in arguments.

0.02     2012-07-10 (SHARYANTO)

         No functional changes. Add missing dep to Log::Any.

0.01     2012-07-10 (SHARYANTO)

         First release.