Revision history for Log-Any-For-Class
0.09 2012-08-16 (SHARYANTO)
- Remove 'filter_args' argument. What I was needed was actually just
- Use Data::Clean::JSON (and customize it a bit) to clean/filter args
and result when showing in log.
0.08 2012-08-16 (SHARYANTO)
- Add 'filter_args' argument. By default, show objects as '(<Classname>
object)' instead of dumping them.
- Use Sub::Uplevel so not to mess with caller().
0.07 2012-07-17 (SHARYANTO)
Previous release doesn't work. Revert to 0.05.
0.06 2012-07-17 (SHARYANTO)
- 'filter_subs' cannot be coderef anymore for now.
- Use Module::Patch 0.07
0.05 2012-07-10 (SHARYANTO)
- logger receives hashref arguments instead of hash, so it can modify
- Handle wantarray undef.
0.04 2012-07-10 (SHARYANTO)
- Add Log::Any::For::Package
- Add argument: 'filter_subs' ('filter_methods' for
0.03 2012-07-10 (SHARYANTO)
- Don't try to load module if package already exists.
- Don't log $self in arguments.
0.02 2012-07-10 (SHARYANTO)
No functional changes. Add missing dep to Log::Any.
0.01 2012-07-10 (SHARYANTO)
First release.