Revision history for Log-Dispatch-Dir
0.11 2013-09-09 (SHARYANTO)
- No functional changes. Rebuild with MakeMaker instead of
Module::Build because the latter is deprecated from core in 5.19.
0.10 2011-06-17 (SHARYANTO)
- No functional changes. Fix failing tests [CT].
0.09 2011-06-15 (SHARYANTO)
- No functional changes. Fix a couple of stupid bugs.
0.08 2011-06-15 (SHARYANTO)
- No functional changes. Tweak default filename_pattern to be:
0.07 2011-06-15 (SHARYANTO)
- New pattern for filename_pattern: %{ext}.
- Default filename pattern now contains %{ext} pattern.
0.06 2010-03-04 (SHARYANTO)
- test file still refers to File::Stat, doh
0.05 2010-03-03 (SHARYANTO)
- use plain ol' stat() instead of File::Stat due to failure in one
platform (
0.04 2010-02-27 (SHARYANTO)
- packaging fix: forgot to add dependency for Pod::Coverage &
0.03 2010-02-26 (SHARYANTO)
- switch to Dist::Zilla (to generate META.yml and become installable by cpanm)
0.02 2009-04-30 (SHARYANTO)
- add missing dependency: Log::Dispatch::Output (closes #45583)
0.01 2009-04-28 (SHARYANTO)
- First version