Revision history for Module-Patch

0.09    2012-07-17 (SHARYANTO)

        [BUG FIXES]

        - Fix interpreting list_package_contents() result (exclude constants).

0.08    2012-07-17 (SHARYANTO)

        - Do not check target module's $VERSION if we are not going to match
          version (mod_version is undef or ':all').

        - Add logging message.

0.07    2012-07-17 (SHARYANTO)


        - Change patch_data format (v => 2). Currently there's no automatic
          converter for old format.

        - Relax definition for conflict: two patch modules patching the same
          subroutines does not create a conflict situation, since one just wraps
          the other. However, there are conditions which count as conflict (a
          patch module wants to delete a sub, another patch module wants to wrap
          the same sub).


        - A single patch sub can be applied to multiple target subs.

        - Provide patch_package() function to patch arbitrary package.

        - Module::Patch can be imported directly (to use patch_package()
          function) instead of having to be subclassed.

0.06    2012-07-13 (SHARYANTO)


        - Error messages are now more helpful, include suggestions on how to
          remedy situation.

        [BUG FIXES]

        - Forgot to update internal data on unimport(), this caused force
          loading multiple patch modules to fail.

0.05    2012-07-12 (SHARYANTO)


        - Add -load_target option, defaults to true (so you no longer have to
          'use' target module first before 'use'-ing the patch module).

0.04    2012-07-12 (SHARYANTO)


        - Check existence of target subroutines.

        - Allow regex in version specification.

0.03    2012-04-03 (SHARYANTO)

        - Fix conflict checking.

        - Add some tests.

0.02    2012-04-03 (SHARYANTO)

        - Support 'config' for per-patch-module configuration (see
          LWP::UserAgent::patch::https_hard_timeout for example).

0.01    2012-04-03 (SHARYANTO)

        First release. No tests yet.