package Org::Export::HTML; BEGIN { $Org::Export::HTML::VERSION = '0.03'; } # ABSTRACT: Export Org document to HTML use 5.010; use Log::Any '$log'; use vars qw($VERSION); use File::Slurp; use HTML::Entities qw/encode_entities/; use List::Util; use Moo; use Org::Document qw/first/; use String::Escape qw/elide printable/; has naked => (is => 'rw'); has include_tags => (is => 'rw'); has exclude_tags => (is => 'rw'); has html_title => (is => 'rw'); has css_url => (is => 'rw'); require Exporter; our @ISA = qw(Exporter); our @EXPORT_OK = qw(export_org_to_html); our %SPEC; $SPEC{export_org_to_html} = { summary => 'Export Org document to HTML', description => <<'_', This is the non-OO interface. For more customization, consider subclassing Org::Export::HTML. _ args => { source_file => ['str' => { summary => 'Source Org file to export', }], source_str => ['str' => { summary => 'Alternatively you can specify Org string directly', }], target_file => ['str' => { summary => 'HTML file to write to', description => <<'_', If not specified, HTML string will be returned. _ }], include_tags => ['array' => { of => 'str*', summary => 'Include trees that carry one of these tags', description => <<'_', Works like Org's 'org-export-select-tags' variable. If the whole document doesn't have any of these tags, then the whole document will be exported. Otherwise, trees that do not carry one of these tags will be excluded. If a selected tree is a subtree, the heading hierarchy above it will also be selected for export, but not the text below those headings. _ }], exclude_tags => ['array' => { of => 'str*', summary => 'Exclude trees that carry one of these tags', description => <<'_', After 'include_tags' is evaluated, all subtrees that are marked by any of the exclude tags will be removed from export. _ }], html_title => ['str' => { summary => 'HTML document title, defaults to source_file', }], css_url => ['str' => { summary => 'Add a link to CSS document', }], naked => ['bool' => { summary => 'Don\'t wrap exported HTML with HTML/HEAD/BODY elements', }], } }; sub export_org_to_html { my %args = @_; my $doc; if ($args{source_file}) { $doc = Org::Document->new(from_string => scalar read_file($args{source_file})); } elsif (defined($args{source_str})) { $doc = Org::Document->new(from_string => $args{source_str}); } else { return [400, "Please specify source_file/source_str"]; } my $include_tags = $args{include_tags}; if ($include_tags) { my $doc_has_include_tags; for my $h ($doc->find('Org::Element::Headline')) { my @htags = $h->get_tags; if (defined(first {$_ ~~ @htags} @$include_tags)) { $doc_has_include_tags++; last; } } $include_tags = undef unless $doc_has_include_tags; } my $obj = __PACKAGE__->new( include_tags => $include_tags, exclude_tags => $args{exclude_tags}, css_url => $args{css_url}, naked => $args{naked}, html_title => $args{html_title} // $args{source_file}, ); my $html = $obj->export($doc); #$log->tracef("html = %s", $html); if ($args{target_file}) { write_file($args{target_file}, $html); return [200, "OK"]; } else { return [200, "OK", $html]; } } sub export { my ($self, $elem) = @_; $self->_export_elems($elem); } sub export_document { my ($self, $doc) = @_; my $html = []; unless ($self->naked) { push @$html, "<HTML>\n"; push @$html, ( "<!-- Generated by ".__PACKAGE__, " version ".($VERSION // "?"), " on ".scalar(localtime)." -->\n\n"); push @$html, "<HEAD>\n"; push @$html, "<TITLE>", ($self->html_title // "(no title)"), "</TITLE>\n"; if ($self->css_url) { push @$html, ( "<LINK REL=\"stylesheet\" TYPE=\"text/css\" HREF=\"", $self->css_url, "\" />\n" ); } push @$html, "</HEAD>\n\n"; push @$html, "<BODY>\n"; } push @$html, $self->_export_elems(@{$doc->children}); unless ($self->naked) { push @$html, "</BODY>\n\n"; push @$html, "</HTML>\n"; } join "", @$html; } sub export_block { my ($self, $elem) = @_; # currently all assumed to be <PRE> join "", ( "<PRE CLASS=\"block block_", lc($elem->name), "\">", encode_entities($elem->raw_content), "</PRE>\n\n" ); } sub export_short_example { my ($self, $elem) = @_; join "", ( "<PRE CLASS=\"short_example\">", encode_entities($elem->example), "</PRE>\n" ); } sub export_comment { my ($self, $elem) = @_; join "", ( "<!-- ", encode_entities($elem->_str), " -->\n" ); } sub export_drawer { my ($self, $elem) = @_; # currently not exported ''; } sub export_footnote { my ($self, $elem) = @_; # currently not exported ''; } sub export_headline { my ($self, $elem) = @_; my @htags = $elem->get_tags; my @children = @{$elem->children // []}; if ($self->include_tags) { if (!defined(first {$_ ~~ @htags} @{$self->include_tags})) { # headline doesn't contain include_tags, select only # suheadlines that contain them @children = (); for my $c (@{ $elem->children // []}) { next unless $c->isa('Org::Element::Headline'); my @hl_included = $elem->find( sub { my $el = shift; return unless $elem->isa('Org::Element::Headline'); my @t = $elem->get_tags; return defined(first {$_ ~~ @t} @{$self->include_tags}); }); next unless @hl_included; push @children, $c; } return '' unless @children; } } if ($self->exclude_tags) { return '' if defined(first {$_ ~~ @htags} @{$self->exclude_tags}); } join "", ( "<H" , $elem->level, ">", $self->_export_elems($elem->title), "</H", $elem->level, ">\n\n", $self->_export_elems(@children) ); } sub export_list { my ($self, $elem) = @_; my $tag; my $type = $elem->type; if ($type eq 'D') { $tag = 'DL' } elsif ($type eq 'O') { $tag = 'OL' } elsif ($type eq 'U') { $tag = 'UL' } join "", ( "<$tag>\n", $self->_export_elems(@{$elem->children // []}), "</$tag>\n\n" ); } sub export_list_item { my ($self, $elem) = @_; my $html = []; if ($elem->desc_term) { push @$html, "<DT>"; } else { push @$html, "<LI>"; } if ($elem->check_state) { push @$html, "<STRONG>[", $elem->check_state, "]</STRONG>"; } if ($elem->desc_term) { push @$html, $self->_export_elems($elem->desc_term); push @$html, "</DT>"; push @$html, "<DD>"; } push @$html, $self->_export_elems(@{$elem->children}) if $elem->children; if ($elem->desc_term) { push @$html, "</DD>\n"; } else { push @$html, "</LI>\n"; } join "", @$html; } sub export_radio_target { my ($self, $elem) = @_; # currently not exported ''; } sub export_setting { my ($self, $elem) = @_; # currently not exported ''; } sub export_table { my ($self, $elem) = @_; join "", ( "<TABLE BORDER>\n", $self->_export_elems(@{$elem->children // []}), "</TABLE>\n\n" ); } sub export_table_row { my ($self, $elem) = @_; join "", ( "<TR>", $self->_export_elems(@{$elem->children // []}), "</TR>\n" ); } sub export_table_cell { my ($self, $elem) = @_; join "", ( "<TD>", $self->_export_elems(@{$elem->children // []}), "</TD>" ); } sub export_table_vline { my ($self, $elem) = @_; # currently not exported ''; } sub export_target { my ($self, $elem) = @_; # target join "", ( "<A NAME=\"", __escape_target($elem->target), "\">" ); } sub export_text { my ($self, $elem) = @_; my $style = $elem->style; my $tag; if ($style eq 'B') { $tag = 'B' } elsif ($style eq 'I') { $tag = 'I' } elsif ($style eq 'U') { $tag = 'U' } elsif ($style eq 'S') { $tag = 'STRIKE' } elsif ($style eq 'C') { $tag = 'CODE' } elsif ($style eq 'V') { $tag = 'TT' } my $html = []; push @$html, "<$tag>" if $tag; my $text = encode_entities($elem->text); $text =~ s/\R\R/\n\n<p>\n\n/g; push @$html, $text; push @$html, $self->_export_elems(@{$elem->children}) if $elem->children; push @$html, "</$tag>" if $tag; join "", @$html; } sub export_time_range { my ($self, $elem) = @_; $elem->as_string; } sub export_timestamp { my ($self, $elem) = @_; $elem->as_string; } sub export_link { my ($self, $elem) = @_; my $html = []; push @$html, "<A HREF=\""; if ($elem->link =~ m!^\w+:!) { # looks like a url push @$html, $elem->link; } else { # assume it's an anchor push @$html, "#", __escape_target($elem->link); } push @$html, "\">"; if ($elem->description) { push @$html, $self->_export_elems($elem->description); } else { push @$html, $elem->link; } push @$html, "</A>"; join "", @$html; } sub _export_elems { my ($self, @elems) = @_; my $html = []; ELEM: for my $elem (@elems) { $log->tracef("exporting element %s (%s) ...", ref($elem), elide(printable($elem->as_string), 30)); my $elc = ref($elem); if ($elc eq 'Org::Element::Block') { push @$html, $self->export_block($elem); } elsif ($elc eq 'Org::Element::ShortExample') { push @$html, $self->export_short_example($elem); } elsif ($elc eq 'Org::Element::Comment') { push @$html, $self->export_comment($elem); } elsif ($elc eq 'Org::Element::Drawer') { push @$html, $self->export_drawer($elem); } elsif ($elc eq 'Org::Element::Footnote') { push @$html, $self->export_footnote($elem); } elsif ($elc eq 'Org::Element::Headline') { push @$html, $self->export_headline($elem); } elsif ($elc eq 'Org::Element::List') { push @$html, $self->export_list($elem); } elsif ($elc eq 'Org::Element::ListItem') { push @$html, $self->export_list_item($elem); } elsif ($elc eq 'Org::Element::RadioTarget') { push @$html, $self->export_radio_target($elem); } elsif ($elc eq 'Org::Element::Setting') { push @$html, $self->export_setting($elem); } elsif ($elc eq 'Org::Element::Table') { push @$html, $self->export_table($elem); } elsif ($elc eq 'Org::Element::TableCell') { push @$html, $self->export_table_cell($elem); } elsif ($elc eq 'Org::Element::TableRow') { push @$html, $self->export_table_row($elem); } elsif ($elc eq 'Org::Element::TableVLine') { push @$html, $self->export_table_vline($elem); } elsif ($elc eq 'Org::Element::Target') { push @$html, $self->export_target($elem); } elsif ($elc eq 'Org::Element::Text') { push @$html, $self->export_text($elem); } elsif ($elc eq 'Org::Element::Link') { push @$html, $self->export_link($elem); } elsif ($elc eq 'Org::Element::TimeRange') { push @$html, $self->export_time_range($elem); } elsif ($elc eq 'Org::Element::Timestamp') { push @$html, $self->export_timestamp($elem); } elsif ($elc eq 'Org::Document') { push @$html, $self->export_document($elem); } else { warn "Don't know how to export $elc element, skipped"; push @$html, $self->_export_elems(@{$elem->children}) if $elem->children; } } join "", @$html; } sub __escape_target { my $target = shift; $target =~ s/[^\w]+/_/g; $target; } 1; =pod =head1 NAME Org::Export::HTML - Export Org document to HTML =head1 VERSION version 0.03 =head1 SYNOPSIS use Org::Export::HTML qw(export_org_to_html); # non-OO interface my $res = export_org_to_html( source_file => '', # or source_str #target_file => 'todo.html', # defaults return the HTML in $res->[2] #html_title => 'My Todo List', # defaults to file name #include_tags => [...], # default exports all tags. #exclude_tags => [...], # behavior mimics emacs's include/exclude rule #css_url => '/path/to/my/style.css', # default none #naked => 0, # if set to 1, no HTML/HEAD/BODY will be output. ); die "Failed" unless $res->[0] == 200; # OO interface my $oeh = Org::Export::HTML->new(); my $html = $oeh->export($doc); # $doc is Org::Document object =head1 DESCRIPTION Export Org format to HTML. Currently very barebones; this module is more of a proof-of-concept for L<Org::Parser>. For any serious exporting, currently you're better-off using Emacs' org-mode HTML export facility. This module uses L<Log::Any> logging framework. This module uses L<Moo> for object system. This module's functions have L<Sub::Spec> specs. =head1 ATTRIBUTES =head2 naked => BOOL If set to true, export_document() will not output HTML/HEAD/BODY wrapping element. Default is false. =head2 include_tags => ARRAYREF Works like Org's 'org-export-select-tags' variable. See export_org_to_html() for more details. =head2 exclude_tags => ARRAYREF After 'include_tags' is evaluated, all subtrees that are marked by any of the exclude tags will be removed from export. =head2 html_title => STR Title to use in TITLE element. If unset, defaults to "(no title)" when exporting. =head2 css_url => STR If set, export_document() will output a LINK element pointing to this CSS. =head1 METHODS =for Pod::Coverage BUILD =head2 $oeh->export($doc) Export an Org document into HTML. $org is L<Org::Document> object. Returns $html, which is the HTML string. Dies on error. =head2 $oeh->export_document($doc) => $html Given an L<Org::Element::Block> element, export it to HTML. Override this in subclass to provide custom behavior. =head2 $oeh->export_block($elem) => $html Given an L<Org::Element::Block> element, export it to HTML. Override this in subclass to provide custom behavior. =head2 $oeh->export_short_example($elem) => $html Given an L<Org::Element::ShortExample> element, export it to HTML. Override this in subclass to provide custom behavior. =head2 $oeh->export_comment($elem) => $html Given an L<Org::Element::Comment> element, export it to HTML. Override this in subclass to provide custom behavior. =head2 $oeh->export_drawer($elem) => $html Given an L<Org::Element::Drawer> element, export it to HTML. Override this in subclass to provide custom behavior. =head2 $oeh->export_footnote($elem) => $html Given an L<Org::Element::Footnote> element, export it to HTML. Override this in subclass to provide custom behavior. =head2 $oeh->export_headline($elem) => $html Given an L<Org::Element::Headline> element, export it to HTML. Override this in subclass to provide custom behavior. =head2 $oeh->export_list($elem) => $html Given an L<Org::Element::List> element, export it to HTML. Override this in subclass to provide custom behavior. =head2 $oeh->export_list_item($elem) => $html Given an L<Org::Element::ListItem> element, export it to HTML. Override this in subclass to provide custom behavior. =head2 $oeh->export_radio_target($elem) => $html Given an L<Org::Element::RadioTarget> element, export it to HTML. Override this in subclass to provide custom behavior. =head2 $oeh->export_setting($elem) => $html Given an L<Org::Element::Setting> element, export it to HTML. Override this in subclass to provide custom behavior. =head2 $oeh->export_table($elem) => $html Given an L<Org::Element::Table> element, export it to HTML. Override this in subclass to provide custom behavior. =head2 $oeh->export_table_row($elem) => $html Given an L<Org::Element::TableRow> element, export it to HTML. Override this in subclass to provide custom behavior. =head2 $oeh->export_table_cell($elem) => $html Given an L<Org::Element::TableCell> element, export it to HTML. Override this in subclass to provide custom behavior. =head2 $oeh->export_table_vline($elem) => $html Given an L<Org::Element::TableVLine> element, export it to HTML. Override this in subclass to provide custom behavior. =head2 $oeh->export_target($elem) => $html Given an L<Org::Element::Target> element, export it to HTML. Override this in subclass to provide custom behavior. =head2 $oeh->export_text($elem) => $html Given an L<Org::Element::Text> element, export it to HTML. Override this in subclass to provide custom behavior. =head2 $oeh->export_time_range($elem) => $html Given an L<Org::Element::TimeRange> element, export it to HTML. Override this in subclass to provide custom behavior. =head2 $oeh->export_timestamp($elem) => $html Given an L<Org::Element::Timestamp> element, export it to HTML. Override this in subclass to provide custom behavior. =head2 $oeh->export_link($elem) => $html Given an L<Org::Element::Link> element, export it to HTML. Override this in subclass to provide custom behavior. =head1 FUNCTIONS None is exported by default, but they can be. =head2 export_org_to_html(%args) -> [STATUS_CODE, ERR_MSG, RESULT] Export Org document to HTML. This is the non-OO interface. For more customization, consider subclassing Org::Export::HTML. Returns a 3-element arrayref. STATUS_CODE is 200 on success, or an error code between 3xx-5xx (just like in HTTP). ERR_MSG is a string containing error message, RESULT is the actual result. Arguments (C<*> denotes required arguments): =over 4 =item * B<css_url> => I<str> Add a link to CSS document. =item * B<exclude_tags> => I<array> Exclude trees that carry one of these tags. After 'include_tags' is evaluated, all subtrees that are marked by any of the exclude tags will be removed from export. =item * B<html_title> => I<str> HTML document title, defaults to source_file. =item * B<include_tags> => I<array> Include trees that carry one of these tags. Works like Org's 'org-export-select-tags' variable. If the whole document doesn't have any of these tags, then the whole document will be exported. Otherwise, trees that do not carry one of these tags will be excluded. If a selected tree is a subtree, the heading hierarchy above it will also be selected for export, but not the text below those headings. =item * B<naked> => I<bool> Don't wrap exported HTML with HTML/HEAD/BODY elements. =item * B<source_file> => I<str> Source Org file to export. =item * B<source_str> => I<str> Alternatively you can specify Org string directly. =item * B<target_file> => I<str> HTML file to write to. If not specified, HTML string will be returned. =back =head1 SEE ALSO L<Org::Parser> =head1 AUTHOR Steven Haryanto <> =head1 COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This software is copyright (c) 2011 by Steven Haryanto. This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself. =cut __END__