
use 5.010;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Log::Any qw($log);

use File::HomeDir;
use Module::List qw(list_modules);
use Module::Load;
use Perinci::CmdLine ();
use Plack::Builder;
use Plack::Runner;
use Perinci::Gen::ForModule qw(gen_meta_for_module);

our $VERSION = '0.17'; # VERSION

our %SPEC;

$SPEC{serve} = {
    v => 1.1,
    summary => 'Serve Perl modules over HTTP(S) using Riap::HTTP protocol',
    description => <<'_',

This is a simple command-line front-end for making Perl modules accessible over
HTTP(S), using the Riap::HTTP protocol. First the specified Perl modules will be
loaded. Modules which do not contain Rinci metadata will be equipped with
metadata using Perinci::Sub::Gen::ForModule. After that, a PSGI application will
be run with the Gepok or Starman PSGI server. The PSGI application serves
requests for function calls (or other kinds of Riap request) over HTTP. Perl
modules not specified in the command-line arguments will not be accessible,
since Perinci::Access::InProcess is used with load=>0.

Modules can be accessed using URL:


This program is not recommended to be used in production, and there are not many
configuration options provided. For production, it is recommended that you
construct your own PSGI application and compose the
Plack::Middleware::PeriAHS::* middlewares directly.

    args => {
        modules => {
            schema => ['array*' => {
                of => 'str*',
                min_len => 1,
            pos => 0,
            greedy => 1,
            summary => 'List of modules to load',
            description => <<'_',

Either specify exact module name or one using wildcard (e.g. 'Foo::Bar::*', in
which Module::List will be used to load all modules under 'Foo::Bar::').

        riap_access_log_path => {
            schema => ['str' => {}],
            summary => 'Path for Riap request access log file',
            description => <<'_',
Default is ~/peri-htserve-riap_access.log
        server => {
            schema => ['str*' => {
                in => [qw/Starman Gepok/],
                default => 'Gepok',
            summary => 'Choose PSGI server',
            description => <<'_',

Currently only Starman or Gepok is supported. Default is Gepok.

        starman_host => {
            schema => ['str' => {}],
            summary => 'Will be passed to Starman',
        starman_port => {
            schema => ['int' => {}],
            summary => 'Will be passed to Starman',
        gepok_http_ports => {
            schema => ['str' => {}],
            summary => 'Will be passed to Gepok',
        gepok_https_ports => {
            schema => ['str' => {}],
            summary => 'Will be passed to Gepok',
        gepok_unix_sockets => {
            schema => ['str' => {}],
            summary => 'Will be passed to Gepok',
        gepok_ssl_key_file => {
            schema => ['str' => {}],
            summary => 'Will be passed to Gepok',
        gepok_ssl_cert_file => {
            schema => ['str' => {}],
            summary => 'Will be passed to Gepok',
        daemonize => {
            schema => ['bool' => {
                default => 0,
            summary => 'If true, will daemonize into background',
            cmdline_aliases => {D=>{}},
        library => {
            schema => ['array' => {
                of => 'str*',
            summary => 'Add directory to library search path, a la Perl\'s -I',
            cmdline_aliases => {I=>{}},
sub serve {
    my %args = @_;

    my $server = $args{server} // "Gepok";
    $server =~ /\A(Gepok|Starman)\z/ or $server = "Gepok";

    $log->infof("Starting server (using %s) ...", $server);

    my $riap_access_log_path = $args{riap_access_log_path} //
        File::HomeDir->my_home . "/peri-htserve-riap_access.log";

    return [400, "Please specify at least 1 module"]
        unless $args{modules} && @{$args{modules}};

    for my $dir (@{ $args{library} // [] }) {
        require lib;

    my @modules;
    for my $m (@{$args{modules}}) {
        if ($m =~ /(.+::)\*$/) {
            my $res = list_modules($1, {list_modules=>1});
            push @modules, keys %$res;
        } else {
            push @modules, $m;
    $log->debugf("Modules to load: %s", \@modules);
    for my $m (@modules) {
        $log->infof("Loading module %s ...", $m);
        eval { load $m };
        return [500, "Failed to load module $m: $@"] if $@;
        gen_meta_for_module(module=>$m, load=>0);

    my $app =
        builder {
            enable "PeriAHS::LogAccess",
                dest => $riap_access_log_path;

            #enable "PeriAHS::CheckAccess";

            enable "PeriAHS::ParseRequest";

            enable "PeriAHS::Respond";

    my @argv;
    push @argv, "-s", $server;
    if ($server eq 'Starman') {
        for (qw/host port/) {
            push @argv, "--$_", $args{"starman_$_"} if $args{"starman_$_"};
    } else {
        if (!$args{gepok_http_ports} &&
                !$args{gepok_https_ports} &&
                    !$args{gepok_unix_sockets}) {
            $args{gepok_http_ports} = "*:5000";
        for (qw/http_port https_ports unix_sockets
                ssl_key_file ssl_cert_file/) {
            push @argv, "--$_", $args{"gepok_$_"} if $args{"gepok_$_"};
    push @argv, "-D" if $args{daemonize};
    my $runner = Plack::Runner->new;

    # never reached though
    [200, "OK"];

Perinci::CmdLine->new(url => '/main/serve')->run;

#ABSTRACT: Serve Perl modules over HTTP(S) using the Riap::HTTP protocol
#PODNAME: peri-htserve


=head1 NAME

peri-htserve - Serve Perl modules over HTTP(S) using the Riap::HTTP protocol

=head1 VERSION

version 0.17


 # serve modules over HTTP, using default options (HTTP port 5000)
 $ peri-htserve Foo::Bar Baz::*

 # you can now do
 $ curl 'http://localhost:5000/Baz/SubMod/func1?arg1=1&arg2=2'

 # or use the Perl client
 $ perl -MPerinci::Access -e'
     my $pa = Perinci::Access->new;
     my $res = $pa->request(call=>"http://localhost:5000/Foo/Bar/func2");'

 ### some other peri-htserve options:

 # change ports/etc (see http_ports, https_ports, and unix_sockets in Gepok doc)
 $ peri-htserve --http-ports "localhost:5000,*:80" ...

 # see all available options
 $ peri-htserve --help


For now, please see source code for more details (or --help).


=head2 Complex argument

In raw HTTP, you can send complex argument by encoding it in JSON, e.g.:

 $ curl 'http://localhost:5000/Foo/Bar/func?array:j=[1,2,3]'

Notice the ":j" suffix after parameter name.

=head1 TODO

=over 4

=item * Pass more Plackup options.

=item * Pass more PSGI server options.


=head1 SEE ALSO


L<Perinci::Access>, L<Perinci::Access::HTTP::Client>

PSGI servers used: L<Gepok>, L<Starman>


=head1 AUTHOR

Steven Haryanto <stevenharyanto@gmail.com>


This software is copyright (c) 2012 by Steven Haryanto.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.
